I despise having to give advice to a world that doesn't actually
listen to anything anyone with any actual intelligence has to say about
anything actually intelligent. But since we're discussing necessity and
mostly for the Earth and future generations, I will hold my nose one
more time and make certain facts known just for the benefit of those of
you who actually do any thinking about how to make things perfectly
right in the way in which things must be done. The alternative is to
watch the world's ecosystems die off and humanity itself to be erased
from the universe. As such, once again we must talk about energy
economics and why they matter more than what flavor brand of popcorn you
get at the movie theater.
E.R.O.E.I. is a simple term
which refers to energy returned on energy invested. Because it is
energy that powers the modern economy, we need it. Unless, of course,
you all wish to go back to living in huts and teepees (not that that is
an entirely bad way of living especially if you don't much care for
modern medicine or care much about living past 40). Now, to get us to a
renewable energy future we need to create renewable energy that has a
high E.R.O.E.I. number which tells us that the amount of energy we put
into building the system is lower (preferably much lower) than the
amount of energy we get out of that system into the grid or through an
on site manufacturing process preferably to create even more energy.
known renewables thus far that have really good E.R.O.E.I.'s include
hydropower, wind power, and certain types of solar power. Solar power
needs to be analyzed through the lens of the new science I keep writing
about for some odd reason in order to make it the most efficient
possible. With this technological boost solar can become the best
option especially space based solar in the centuries to come. But the
world needs a much more thorough scientific analysis of E.R.O.E.I.
rigorously done (I personally would hire a million scientists just to
deal with this issue) with the new science in mind in order to expand
what options are available for scientists to build with in terms of
materials used to absorb energy from the Sun primarily.
in energy efficiency are also important here in other areas such as
existing energy infrastructure using the new science. But the world
also needs another layer of tools in terms of politics and economics
that gets the idea out of everyone's head that money matters. Energy is
the real money from the point of view of real physical economics.
Money has no power. This frightening fact will eventually be clear to
everyone. While everyone blabs on about an accounting gimmick
perpetuated by social agreement that is completely and utterly
meaningless outside of the human head, the real state of the actual
physical environment is completely gone to shit.
there are some of you under the serious delusion that it is actually
possible to save the Earth while preserving the fiat money patriarchal
corporate government religion model. I must say that you'd be out of
your mind to think that that's possible. The money system is an insane
unstable pyramid scheme that must ultimately be destined to be scrapped
because it creates conditions of the unequal distribution of workload
across that population in favor of those doing the printing. Free money
for some, hard work for others? How long do you think everyone being
asked to sacrifice for a global warming free future is going to tolerate
the hard work necessary to do that while a bunch of fat cats are
gobbling down free pork at the local buffet? Environmental justice and
economic justice go hand in hand and are one and the same. Hey ho! Hey
ho! Fiat money's got to go!
I've said it many times
before. If you want to keep the convenience of money as it is, at least
back it in something meaningful. That would be energy for those paying
attention. Energy backed currency eliminates the complaint from
libertarian types and old school hard money people that promissory notes
(which is where our current version of money came from for those of you
young people who don't pay attention to anything except your social
media status) were never backed in anything of actual value after Nixon
took the U.S. dollar off the gold standard back in the 70's.
only a matter of time before the media won't be able to hold back the
gates of real change the way it's been doing. The current political and
social dialogue is completely stalled out. No one wants to do what a
real Green New Deal would require. The massive mobilization of the
entire world is what is necessary as if we were taking on an alien
invasion. That's how serious the crisis is. Can corporate capitalism
do that? Can the current failed generation of politicians do that?
Does central government even have the credibility necessary to manage
such a transformation? Where are the so called religious leaders of the
world on this issue and that of dangerous nuclear reactors and
weapons? The answer is nowhere. Real issues do not get addressed.
the establishment elite allow for a transformation of that type? The
answer is an unequivocal no. They will not share power. That is clear
and unquestioning. Just look at the leaders and what they are doing.
They are selling out and will continue to sell out the future to avoid
having to be equal partners in saving the world. They would rather hide
behind their privilege as elitists. As such they have no street credibility
and depend on wishy washy types to gloss over that fact and vote for
the same sub-mediocre results we have been seeing in the "movements" for
The problem comes down to one of political
principle called co-opting an agenda. Students of power politics will
know immediately what I am talking about. Rather than allowing a grass
roots action to redefine the power structure to be more balanced in
favor of the young and dis-empowered, the elite will send one of their
own or cultivate favor by selecting one who is like them from the pack
to represent the entire movement in order to slow the impetus for
change. The elite thus creates the Paris Climate accords, and then does
nothing. This is a stalling tactic by the elite. They have no
intention of working on a solution to climate change. They are more
interested in financial gains as they keep selling the idea of carbon
credits as the solution to the problem. Carbon credits is just another
ruse pyramid scheme for the purpose of perpetuating the ability of the
financial elite to extract gains through the construction of contracts
which favors them as sellers.
Can you solve a problem
with the very mindset that created it? Those who sponsor carbon credits
as the ultimate solution to the world's climate crisis are completely
bamboozling everyone, but everyone is agreeing to it because they don't
actually want to make any sacrifices for the Earth or future generations
either. That's the whole rub of the problem. No one wants full
mobilization of any nation or the whole world because it threatens
everyone's illusionary lifestyles. It threatens the elite because they
will have to share power and think differently and break their
agreements to support the system over true freedom. It threatens the
masses because the masses are lazy and unwilling to change. This is the
recipe for a perfect storm.
As such even those who
talk about climate change miss the mark by a wide margin typically.
This is a scientific and engineering problem requiring science to
understand the best way of doing it and engineering to fix it. But it
is more so a political problem because mass mobilization is deeply
unpopular with the public. So then what has happened is that the
current state of the environmental movement has degenerated into a
clever ruse. The co-opted leadership of the environmental movement
betrays it's own principles which is why results are non existent.
Where is the global action on climate? A movement is not an action. An
action is what matters. The word movement in political contexts should
be banned.
So take a look at what we are talking
about. E.R.O.E.I. should be on the national news every day. But it
should lead every real speech on the environment. We all love stories
about animals, but the big picture is about that mass mobilization. It
is the only hope of our time. I like that they chose the idea of the
Green New Deal because it was close to the level of mass mobilization
required. They really should have picked the World War II period of it
though, where everyone was drafted to go work or fight. That is the
level of commitment required. Are the new leaders of the Green New Deal
being honest with the public about that fact? I doubt it. They are
still sugar coating it to hide the fact that people will need to make
sacrifices and that they are not going to have the same lifestyles
(especially in the United States). Those are facts. Tell the people
the truth or eat your dirty political karma.
If it were
all so easy it would already have been done. But look at the
environmental movement of today and really the last three decades. It's
become a money making gimmick for a select group of elites who all
graduated from the same Ivy League and near Ivy League schools to milk
an idea that is sacred so they could have their cherished upper
managerial jobs at non-profit organizations that are effectively just
profitless corporations. Then there are the 2nd tier of elites who are
part of the government itself. They get fat paychecks from creating
laws that can't be enforced because the system of enforcement is so
complicated that justice gets stalled behind miles of paperwork and a
thousand signatures. If you ask me what is killing the environmental
actions necessary to save the Earth I'd say it's the hypocrisy of the
elite as a whole. They are protecting their own skins. As such they
lack street credibility. Or as Nassim Nicholas Taleb says in his book Antifragile, they have no skin in the game.
can't solve a crisis with the mindset that created it. So we find that
environmental justice begins, not with kicking out Trump, but with
cleaning the house of the environmental movement itself by getting rid
of it altogether. The movement becomes action, and most likely doesn't
even call itself that except when it is asked what the hell it is
doing. We are acting to make the world a better place by our actual
demonstrable doings. This will have the added benefit of forcing the
remaining hypocrites in the corporate environmental movement to either
double down on their actions to make a difference through their own
machinations or to give up the bullshit altogether and get on board the
concept of a new civilization model that doesn't have injustice built
into it for anyone.
That brings me to the problem of
jobs. In civilization we don't have jobs. Jobs are for slaves. But
everyone should be guaranteed the right to work as citizens of Earth.
But to take that idea further they cannot even be seen as separate as
citizens as each person is more akin to a cell in the body of Earth.
Feed them, and they will fix their own problems with the education
given. That's how easy it is. The idea of a job is a condescending
deprivation of human value. It's an insult more than it is a reward.
People prefect naturally if given perfect education. The work is
everywhere. We don't need labels and titles except to know who knows
the most. Those who know the most don't need a title. The mess in our
ways of doing are everywhere. A new culture means a new way of seeing
everything related to work from titles to proper communications.
should be cherished who make an effort for everyone. Those people
don't have jobs we call them heroes. They work and make the world a
better place not because they are being given a fiat money paycheck but
because they have chosen to sacrifice their lives for the planet. That
is the standard of leadership that is necessary. Everyone should do
what Pope Francis did, especially those Hollywood types. Turn your 30
room mansion into a place that helps the homeless or migrants, and then
you can have some street credibility. As an added bonus you wake up in
the morning and feel good about yourself.
A new
civilization doesn't think like the old one and doesn't act like the old
one. Unthinking rules based bureaucracy is out. Obsessions over
representative rights guaranteed by a piece of paper are out. Honor
culture is in. Multiculturalism is replaced by universalism. Exclusion
is replaced by inclusion. The doors that are shut are opened.
Religions that have foolishly closed down their rites to new members
stop doing that by making those rites more inclusive and dropping the
stupid rules. Everything becomes more fundamentally about principle and
knowledge. The world of the future does not look like the world of
Cell phones will be banned some time in the
future. Computer use will be greatly reduced. The internet will still
be around but in a much more utilitarian and useful way. Moralists will
rise and fall with the tides of social change. Ecospirituality will
spread everywhere in many forms through all thoughts especially those of
religion. And it will be practical ecospirituality based on actions
for the Earth and the future generations. With this new spirituality
will come new rites and a new value system. Among them will be worship
of the Goddess, the feminine, and Mother Earth. New art will emerge
expressing this new reality. Where patriachy still exists it will
emphasize honor culture and will have to take the feminine into account
from now on until such time as it has served it's purpose.
yet the only number that still matters is the E.R.O.E.I. of future
renewable energy. None of this will manifest without the technological
revolution created by a true Green New Deal. The culture of that idea
must be all inclusive leaving no one, not even the reviled white man,
out of the deal, though he won't have his privilege anymore.
Vindictiveness against the ruling class, the elite, must be replaced
with inclusion of their skills and talents through formal forgiveness of
their past errors as they cooperate with the new grass roots popular
idealists. Idealism and progressivism will contend with each other to
create perfect models of new culture that are regionally specific.
the formation of these new political realities over the rest of the
century, conflict will not end. While E.R.O.E.I. is vital for the
scientific salvation of humanity through the technological solution of a
Green New Deal for the globe, political resistance to the toppling of
patriarchal hierarchy based elite structures of ordering choice through
delegation by monopoly of force will continue in most of the world and
likely in the United States due to it's excessive militarism and gun
culture. Where elitism meets gun culture, it's advisable to stay away.
Because patriarchy is rooted in the theory that might makes right, it
is hard for an outside force to be conscious enough to be able to
essentially deescalate the aggression of those who believe they are
entitled to destroy others for the sake of preserving their privilege.
The best strategy is to offer the same deal to everyone, regardless of
their prior position in the old order of things.
the forces that resist change believe they are getting punished, they
will resist change with a great potential for violent resistance. The
only way they can be part of that future easily (relatively) is if they
believe they are receiving a reward for going along with the project. I
leave it to those in the environmental actions of the future to
understand the full extent of what that means. Because everyone has
their grievances, patriarchal violence based thinking will remain the
norm I believe inside these Green Army parts of the Green action as I
have refereed to it. Those who understand how to wield the tools of
peace will be the Green Front and will have the credibility to be the
defacto global rulers as the climate crisis becomes worse and worse. I
think the whole main action will take 80 years.
the end of those 80 years Earth will be still racked in conflict most
likely, but the collective will have settled once and for all the
question of the collective interest of humanity in 0 carbon emissions
and the reversal of the existing carbon in the atmosphere down to a
reasonable number between 350 and 400, I suggest 375. I believe we
should reach 0 probably sometime between 2080 and 2100 as a politically
reasonable guesstimate. The machinery of renewable energy will be used
to make that a reality. It will be hard work for 200 years of human
history, the hardest work ever as if we had to fight a 200 year long
war. But in the end it will be worth it, and things will return back to
normal for those who live in the aftermath of that time period. Petty
squabbles and primitivism will remain a defacto reality for humanity
though for quite some time. It's just not easy being human and it's
just not easy getting anyone to buy into anything that they can't see,
touch, taste, feel, and get completely.
But all
actions begin today. If you don't like waiting, which is better, then
get it done yesterday. In order to overcome the negative problem of the
media, which I believe to be the one's chiefly responsible for the lack
of action on the part of the public, new media institutions will have
to replace the existing ones under the firm hand of the environmental
action groups whether Green Army or Green Front. Discrediting the false
narrative offered by media is thus a priority so that a new media can
emerge that actually does it job. This will inevitably be done more by
the right as the left is currently too disorganized and incompetent to
do it effectively.
Tick tock goes the clock and
E.R.O.E.I. is the only thing that matters. The dance of politics turns
to decide who works and who eats. But the old way of thinking must die
so we shine a light on it all the same. Everyone works. Everyone
eats. The way forward is clear. Elitism of left or right is dead.
Those who support it will find that the loss of credibility will mount
until they are members of a culture of honor. What have you done for
Earth lately? The right will ask what have you done for your community
lately? You see, in the end, it's not about left or right. It's about
family or planet Earth. Real family values at the end of time where
everyone gets together and loves one another exactly as they are without
labels? If you think this ends any other way, then you really haven't
done your homework. For every faction has a piece of the puzzle, and
when you abstract their real message from the horror of their errors,
you realize that the way forward is not apart, but together.
inevitable synthesis of thought is the final resolution of the thought
crisis. It may take a long time, but ultimately all perspectives that
are just will be honored. For those of us who have dwelt in the
dishonor of the collective, we thank you. It has been enlightening.
But honor is as honor does. A human being is measured by the true
actions they have performed and the true service they have rendered.
But they are judged by their intention. Let your intentions be pure,
and none shall say you have not done your duty. So remember to listen,
for if you are truly to be one with the universe, it is the only skill
worth having. How else would you learn anything at all? The days of
doubt are numbered, for Life Herself leaves no room for doubt in the
E.R.O.E.I. is still the only number that
matters. Don't forget it. And build the world according to that
understanding with the protection of the planets and animals, and you
can't go wrong. And then honor all just perspectives. With this you
receive honor. Those of us who dwell in silence because we have seen
the truth singularly, we have our honor. We bear it well. And we wait
for the rest of you to join us. We always wait upon the city on the
hill. And there I'm almost 100% sure there's a big giant sign with
E.R.O.E.I. sitting there.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Universality of Anti Fractal Reasoning
Simplicity is not a norm. Words can only get you so far. And yet
the world believes that it can replace simplicity with complexity and
remain happy. But it is not so. The elegance of simplicity is that it
is singular in its emergence. It cannot be reduced to something it is
not. That, in and of itself, testifies to the concept of anti
You'd think that the fractal is perfect. But it isn't, otherwise the reality we live in would not be defined by the anti fractal nature of human existence. For perfection must include part of itself imperfection itself, otherwise the symmetry of perfection is broken. It is a sort of strange thing to be considering, but in order for everyone to understand what it is they must live within a fractal as an anti-fractal. That is the nature of the world and our experiences. The world and universe are fractals, but people aren't fractals.
You might ask why. What the hell is an anti fractal doing in the midst of divine perfection, nature's harmony? Doing it's job creating images of itself everywhere, but hardly of it's own choosing. Therein lies the mortal confusion at the heart of everything we want to believe in that isn't real. Truth is unpopular precisely because it reveals the anti fractal to be something that is not fractal. This upsets the delicate balance of belief that says all things must be perfect now. But that can't be either because to deny imperfection is to deny choice.
There is no middle ground between honor and dishonor either. You have to have both to have a fractal. But if you have one without the other you are stuck in the land of the anti fractal, a pattern in constant struggle between two opposites that can never resolve their differences. Sound familiar? It should, that is the whole story of human history and the whole of human psychology dissolved down to a simple basic formula. Duality, the ultimate nightmare of being caught up between two irreconcilable perspectives. And the whole of the social system is designed to erase and eliminate irreconcilable perspectives.
Hence was born the thought police. They were necessary because everyone wants what everyone wants. And everyone wants what they want to be wanted by others. But the right to dishonor could not be erased from creation, so division emerges between the choice of one and the choice of the other. Forever separated by their differing paths a wound emerges between souls that cannot be healed in time. That results in grief, the unavoidable experience of bitterness caused by imperfection. So the anti fractal is proven beyond a shadow of doubt internal to the individual. It is here we live. The causality of our suffering unerasable from our minds.
Dwelling on that fragmentation of divinity is maddening. In place of finding a perspective that honors everything we construct instead a temporary solution. A wall is built between ourselves and the other. First it is built internally through avoidance of the responsibility to listen. We justify this by saying, the other is not us, and we have a right to exist. And so it is, but forever leaving us in that place that is momentarily self contained within the truth of our choices. We validate our honor for ourselves. And so it is.
There aren't enough words to really say what it is that is. Reality exists as a state of flux between the things that are and things that aren't. But we remain eternally vigilant only of our own state of being. This is what prevents us from moving forwards. The eye of the I in the mind, ever watchful, ever keenly observing our every move and creating an endless list of labels for ourselves to drench ourselves in our own dissatisfaction.
It seems inevitable. The process of the wheel that turns within us reminding us of what we are and often as much of what we aren't that isn't even real. It's a curiosity of nature I suppose. But at the same time the wheel turns anyway. We are inescapable. We are unavoidable. We are inevitable.
It is because of this that we continue to exist. There is no escaping that fact. Every morning we wake up confirms that indeed I am still here and that I am still going forward. Writing doesn't really cut the feeling anymore. There are no words for where we must all end up. Connection exists only where it is received. That is a terrible truth and yet we must bear it because that what honor is all about.
We are equal in our division. We are not each other. We live in island universes built of our choices, thoughts, feeling, notions, and self chosen identities. What we create is a parcel of what we choose to create. And there still really aren't enough words to describe what it is that we will create. Everyone makes a difference that chooses to. Motivation is that which is sought by everyone. And here we are again needing that much more of it to go on.
Not for me though. I don't need motivation. I am already here. I don't have any illusions about what is necessary. I always have known. Can a person or place exist that is not in conflict with itself? That is the great question of our times. We all want to be singular, to have the answer that will set us free to act. That is what everyone is asking for. The anti fractal nature coming up against the fractal itself. I am, I act, and I do. We all want to merge into a collective. We want to lose ourselves in the fractal. It is madness, but the drive is there. It keeps calling us. It keeps wanting us.
There are two types of people in this world who choose to merge through intimacy. One group merges with ideas, they become their thoughts of their own choosing in their minds losing themselves in some form of illusion. This is what births the state of ideology and results in ideological formalism, the surrender of the self to a series of rules and concepts that govern one's life as something outside one's self in order to make one feel as though one matters. The vast majority are of this school of thought. The other, more dangerous and risky idea is to merge with another person or other people as they are. This results in the bitterness of the fact that one way mergers don't work. Are we one yet? They will asking that question for a long time.
But because the ultimate merger is with other people, it is only the second school of thought, the romantic school, that has any hope of surviving as ideology is cold and ruthless. People are people, but who is ready to live that way? Who is really ready to surrender their hearts for someone else's dream of a better world. But, then, what else do you got anyway? Nothing, you've got nothing.
You'd think that the fractal is perfect. But it isn't, otherwise the reality we live in would not be defined by the anti fractal nature of human existence. For perfection must include part of itself imperfection itself, otherwise the symmetry of perfection is broken. It is a sort of strange thing to be considering, but in order for everyone to understand what it is they must live within a fractal as an anti-fractal. That is the nature of the world and our experiences. The world and universe are fractals, but people aren't fractals.
You might ask why. What the hell is an anti fractal doing in the midst of divine perfection, nature's harmony? Doing it's job creating images of itself everywhere, but hardly of it's own choosing. Therein lies the mortal confusion at the heart of everything we want to believe in that isn't real. Truth is unpopular precisely because it reveals the anti fractal to be something that is not fractal. This upsets the delicate balance of belief that says all things must be perfect now. But that can't be either because to deny imperfection is to deny choice.
There is no middle ground between honor and dishonor either. You have to have both to have a fractal. But if you have one without the other you are stuck in the land of the anti fractal, a pattern in constant struggle between two opposites that can never resolve their differences. Sound familiar? It should, that is the whole story of human history and the whole of human psychology dissolved down to a simple basic formula. Duality, the ultimate nightmare of being caught up between two irreconcilable perspectives. And the whole of the social system is designed to erase and eliminate irreconcilable perspectives.
Hence was born the thought police. They were necessary because everyone wants what everyone wants. And everyone wants what they want to be wanted by others. But the right to dishonor could not be erased from creation, so division emerges between the choice of one and the choice of the other. Forever separated by their differing paths a wound emerges between souls that cannot be healed in time. That results in grief, the unavoidable experience of bitterness caused by imperfection. So the anti fractal is proven beyond a shadow of doubt internal to the individual. It is here we live. The causality of our suffering unerasable from our minds.
Dwelling on that fragmentation of divinity is maddening. In place of finding a perspective that honors everything we construct instead a temporary solution. A wall is built between ourselves and the other. First it is built internally through avoidance of the responsibility to listen. We justify this by saying, the other is not us, and we have a right to exist. And so it is, but forever leaving us in that place that is momentarily self contained within the truth of our choices. We validate our honor for ourselves. And so it is.
There aren't enough words to really say what it is that is. Reality exists as a state of flux between the things that are and things that aren't. But we remain eternally vigilant only of our own state of being. This is what prevents us from moving forwards. The eye of the I in the mind, ever watchful, ever keenly observing our every move and creating an endless list of labels for ourselves to drench ourselves in our own dissatisfaction.
It seems inevitable. The process of the wheel that turns within us reminding us of what we are and often as much of what we aren't that isn't even real. It's a curiosity of nature I suppose. But at the same time the wheel turns anyway. We are inescapable. We are unavoidable. We are inevitable.
It is because of this that we continue to exist. There is no escaping that fact. Every morning we wake up confirms that indeed I am still here and that I am still going forward. Writing doesn't really cut the feeling anymore. There are no words for where we must all end up. Connection exists only where it is received. That is a terrible truth and yet we must bear it because that what honor is all about.
We are equal in our division. We are not each other. We live in island universes built of our choices, thoughts, feeling, notions, and self chosen identities. What we create is a parcel of what we choose to create. And there still really aren't enough words to describe what it is that we will create. Everyone makes a difference that chooses to. Motivation is that which is sought by everyone. And here we are again needing that much more of it to go on.
Not for me though. I don't need motivation. I am already here. I don't have any illusions about what is necessary. I always have known. Can a person or place exist that is not in conflict with itself? That is the great question of our times. We all want to be singular, to have the answer that will set us free to act. That is what everyone is asking for. The anti fractal nature coming up against the fractal itself. I am, I act, and I do. We all want to merge into a collective. We want to lose ourselves in the fractal. It is madness, but the drive is there. It keeps calling us. It keeps wanting us.
There are two types of people in this world who choose to merge through intimacy. One group merges with ideas, they become their thoughts of their own choosing in their minds losing themselves in some form of illusion. This is what births the state of ideology and results in ideological formalism, the surrender of the self to a series of rules and concepts that govern one's life as something outside one's self in order to make one feel as though one matters. The vast majority are of this school of thought. The other, more dangerous and risky idea is to merge with another person or other people as they are. This results in the bitterness of the fact that one way mergers don't work. Are we one yet? They will asking that question for a long time.
But because the ultimate merger is with other people, it is only the second school of thought, the romantic school, that has any hope of surviving as ideology is cold and ruthless. People are people, but who is ready to live that way? Who is really ready to surrender their hearts for someone else's dream of a better world. But, then, what else do you got anyway? Nothing, you've got nothing.
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