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The Philosophy of Knowledge and Extended Topics
A Series of Notes
By Chris Freely
This file was originally my messy notes file on my best ideas that crossed my mind that tended to be philosophical, though metaphysics also is mixed in here. As such this file contains a mix of essays and singular ideas that crossed my mind. The best parts of this file in my opinion are my Theory of Formal Morality, my thoughts concerning the Nature of Knowledge, some notes concerning basic Consciousness Field Theory (which again deals with the nature of processes, things, energy, and precise definition of physical and non-physical phenomenon etc), the essay on Psychospiritual Animation vs Natural Animation of Cosmic Fields, and my Expansion on the Deep Tree Hypothesis which deals with the metaphysics of the creation of matter as an expanded hypothetical scientific subject.
There is also the Essay on Archetypes that I felt was important and the beginning of my attempt to philosophically analyze the economic world. This file is as it was, written for myself so a few parts are a bit convoluted, but the core essays are straightforward. I will hopefully get a chance to fix this at some point, though I was concerned at the time about whether I would get any of my ideas out there at all so I simply threw it all out there.
To Clarify Ideas (Abstract Notions) Into Thinking (Working Definitions)You MUST ASK MORE QUESTIONS.
The ideas contained in this file represent lines of thought which are to some extent as necessary independent as subject. The purpose of this file is as a general note taking index with specific high quality ideas contained within. For highest effectiveness the process must ultimately generate specific end products related to individual subjects as defined by clear thesis and/or intention. For this it is necessary to spend time working on the ideas contained in this file.
The process of ordering the information here is a complex one, since this file contains many different areas of thought, meditation, consideration, and various musings. Many of these thoughts are highly organized and others are less so. More organization is necessary to derive further meaning from nearly all of them. The idea is to draw a mental map of what is being described in observed consciousness specifically as it relates to reality and what we think about reality. In order to accomplish this the question of words and their meanings isn't as relevant as the implied definitions contained within this formal framework of advanced reasoning in the English language. In other words, it is important to let external readers know that their own personal definitions must be suspended when considering the presentation here and that they should consider the definitions as stated in this work as the definitive meaning of the author unless stated otherwise.
This is not a work of semantic argument. This is work of applied definition, and as such the formal ideas presented cannot be considered independent of the author's own definitions. Yet many of these ideas will be familiar, and their elucidation in consciousness will prove useful to the student who has an interest in learning and developing themselves as clear thinking individuals. Ideas matter. Without them, we would have no way to define what it is we are creating. For this reason, it is necessary to understand how to apply and perfect one's self and one's knowledge of the cosmos in order to function better as an individual within it. These truths are self evident, but oftentimes we forget them in the rush to achieve personal glory. It has often been observed by the wise that when we forget the nuances of understanding, reason, and knowledge that we trip ourselves up and become entrapped in our own ignorance. The pitfalls of such an unfortunate fall can be avoided in most cases by simply clarifying one's intentions through thinking, which like an active meditation, allows for one to be in harmony with the purposes of one's being.
The Non-Fiction Rules
1. Get to the point.
2. Tag your arguments.
3. State the facts only.
4. Site sources.
Argument Tags
1. Unproven Assertion
2. Fact
3. Hypothesis or Hypothetical Assertion
4. Theoretical Framework
5. Proof
Argument Types
---see Concepts Unfocused file for deductive, inductive, and abductive argument types---
1. Conditional Logic or If--Then Argument Type
2. Emotional Appeal
The success of writing is not measured in pages or volume but in the quality of the communications being delivered.
Related to Tree of Life in Kabala
Possible interpretation exists here that speculates that knowledge represents the true dark pillar of the tree of life diagram while good represents the true light pillar with love as the middle pillar.
The Nature of Knowledge
Knowledge cannot be divided. Why? Because knowledge is by its nature indivisible.
Knowledge cannot be preconceived. Why? Because knowledge already exists.
Knowledge, and only knowledge, exists a priori to all functions of mind and all minds everywhere. Why? Because all minds are subsets of knowledge, not the opposite way around.
Knowledge is neither internal nor external. Why? Because knowledge exists and internal and external conditions exist within the framework of knowledge.
Knowledge has no dimensions. Why? Because dimensions are subsets of knowledge.
Knowledge has no boundaries. Why? Because knowledge defines all boundaries.
Knowledge has no thoughts. Why? Because all thoughts exist within the nature of knowledge.
The nature of knowledge is beyond the understanding of reason. Why? Reason only exists to contextualize reality, not to define it.
The core nature of knowledge is definition through animation. Animation is the birth of thought as form through mind. Each mind conceived in knowledge exists as a field within a context. That field is, in this reality, the physical cosmos within the boundaries of all possible exploration available to us as minds in search of answers. But at the core of pure non-dimensional logic, this essentially means that knowledge gives birth through a tri-partite operation that involves thought, form, and mind. Thought is the masculine universal projection of singularity as essence. Form is the neutral construct derived from light and dark through nature. Mind is the feminine universal inducer of holistic development for self. Mind is the vessel for thought and form is the emergent property of the fusion of the feminine mind with the masculine thought.
Each of these three elements are the three root elements of knowledge. The 4th element of knowledge is self, for which subjective perception, the nature of self as a function of consciousness, is an emergent property of spirit in form. Spirit in mind, however, creates the system, ego, by which self appears as a function of thought. Thought, the derived essence of knowledge, moves through ego creating mask. Spirit, which is unknown, does not emerge through knowledge of self, but through knowledge of mind. Knowledge of mind, however, requires a higher perspective, and this is either done through the inclusion of external forms (The Great Chain of Beings in Collective Context as fields to analyze or through the ideation of new psychic or thought forms (through extensive Self Analysis)). Then self, analyzing fields external to its own boundaries (in the form of thoughts), defines reality through conscious thinking. Thinking is then an emergent property of mind as a function of learning. Yet mind here still remains a field within knowledge itself. The nature of fields is the study we call science. The nature of mind as a principle of knowledge can only be known through philosophy, which is the root of metaphysics, not through science alone which only has the capacity to isolate fields and describe them, not to determine their ultimate nature.
While some would argue that science is the study of nature, and some would argue that science is the study of knowledge, science is in fact the study of knowledge and nature. While the mind can know everything within the context of its reality, things that are beyond its reality cannot be known. As such, science is inherently limited because it is the product of minds. Any thing that is a product of any thing must be inherently limited by its very nature. Yet nature exists a priorii to all functions of mind, just as knowledge exists a priorii to all functions of mind. What science studies of nature then is only the surface of nature, whose reality is far beyond the comprehension of any science. Nature, we must see, is infinite, and cannot have boundaries. What does have boundaries is the subject of science. What is beyond boundaries is the subject of metaphysics and can be pointed to by philosophy alone.
What is essence and what is singularity?
Essence is knowable yet it is not known to the self, only to the mind. Essence is beyond nature. Essence is that which cannot be known by self or destroyed by thought and cannot be explored as form, hence essence is that from which spirit is derived. It is not a form and at the same time not a thought, yet it is intrinsic to the projection of singularity through which thought and mind create form as a function of embodiment.
Singularity is that from which identity is derived. Identity is an emergent property of singularity in mind through psychology. Singularity is oneness through reconnection. Reconnection is consciousness delivering knowledge through cycles of thought. (Singularity is being ?? or that from which being is formed ??).
What is the difference between singularity and self?
Self is a reflection of singularity in mind, and as such self is often construed to be ego, but in actuality ego is only a portion of self that is called Conscious Self. However, singularity includes the unconscious self, the conscious self, the super conscious self, the natural self, and the supernatural self. Singularity only excludes the core, spirit, from its definition.
Why does singularity exclude spirit?
Spirit is not a component of singularity because singularity is the universal active reconnection in the consciousness of any being. Spirit is the active de-connection which allows you or any other secondary derived being to exist separately from the whole of your eternal nature and God(ess)hood .
How does spirit in mind create ego?
Spirit, reflecting through mind, creates a double layer of reconnection. The first layer points to the active de-connection, or spirit itself. The second layer reconnects as a function of mirroring in the vessel containment or the mental body (which in physical beings is rooted in the brain/neural system). The mirror, or active imagination, produces a story arc over time which is the ego. The spirit, which remains unconscious to the mirror, remains hidden until it is revealed in thought, but is always present as a lingering unknown prior to its inception into consciousness.
Essence in mind, prior to the emergence of spirit as a function of evolution, similarly produces these same phenomenon in all beings with a neural network of any kind.
This includes planets, hypothetically as well as animals (Animal and Planet Consciousness Hypothesis).
What is the difference between singularity and identity?
Singularity does not require a matrix to self identify. Singularity can exist without self knowledge. Identity exists as a function of self knowledge. An electron, as an example, exists as a singularity without any self knowledge. A human is a singularity with self knowledge. (A singularity could be described as spirit, except that the existence of the singularity cannot be proven as a function of causation (not sure???). )
The soul is itself a singularity, yet within the singularity of the soul, many souls can exist. The soul is the only form in the cosmos that can have a multilayer field of complexity that transcends ordinary identity. In order to conceive this we must see that a singularity may contain many singularities within it as a function of time and space. This goes into the theory of reincarnation and the transmigration of the soul.
Identity, within this context takes the form of super conscious identity and conscious identity. A super conscious self is one that remembers elements from its past existences in past lives whereas a currently defined personal conscious identity (self) only includes knowledge of this current life as it is defined by the boundaries of the natural self as opposed to the boundaries of the supernatural self. Though much here depends on one's definition of nature itself. The natural self is the self that exists as a function of nature whereas the supernatural self is the self that exists as a function of divinity. Divinity is the experience of being through higher states of knowing beyond nature.
How is spirit derived from essence?
Essence emerges as a field. Spirit is derived from essence through experience. When essence becomes spirit, then language has meaning. Before this stage, being is experienced from the point of view of an animal. After this stage, being is experienced from the point of view of a child. (Developmental Psychology Hypothesis) Essentially, from the human point of view, the stages of existence of animal and plant occur in infancy and the womb respectively.
(Special Note on Fields: Fields are also defined and discussed in The New Biology and Concepts Unfocused)
An event is a cycle within a process. This is critical to understand the internal measure of consciousness within as a function of observation specifically as it relates to change.
Spirit and Soul through Knowledge
Spirit cannot be known to mind, but within knowledge it exists as negation or expressed deification. Its existence is real, but to prevent the mind from interfering with its development a barrier exists to prevent the inception of reemergence into full consciousness. This barrier is called "daath" in the kabalistic metaphysics, or that which is not yet but is already so. The mind is inherently limited in time, but spirit has no such limit, yet it cannot be fulfilled except through the completion of its essential nature, which is to exist in time and space as a function of being. Spirit is essentially unlimited yet simultaneously enclosed in limits. The nature of spirit is to challenge those limits to fulfill its purpose which cannot be known to it directly but only indirectly through mental tools offered to spirit through thought by mind.
Soul is a function of Love, and hence cannot be analyzed. Its nature is beyond the scope of thought. It cannot be reduced by mind. It cannot be unconceived or erased. Its exists as nature of divinity (NOTE: This is not THE nature of divinity). It cannot be unprocessed or concealed. Its power is not of this world because it's power is beyond space and time. Yet the soul is by its nature is veiled through form and reduced in time and space.
Form cannot be penetrated by thought and cannot be comprehended by mind. Form is what we refer to as real, which in the physical world is called matter. (Non Material Presumption) However form is not limited to matter though the nature of matter cannot be known to mind. Thought expresses through form, but mind is enclosed by it.
What is the difference between Self and Form? (Early Stage of definition)
Self and form are very similar. A form is the shell of a self, it's exterior appearance or specifically its dimensional logic expressed as a function of geometry. A self is a living operant (that which operates or acts upon or acts through) or ego. A form is not living but holographic or perceived.
What is the difference between Field and Form?
A field is a living extension of being whereas a form is a shell as described above.
The Knowledge of Nature
Nature has no limits, yet evolves within them.
The definition of Nature cannot be fixed, Nature is in a state of expansion.
Within Nature exists pockets of contraction because of the evolution of Nature.
Nature exists to evolve and change, and thus offers new experiences to the self.
Nature is defined by reality external to our own perception. Yet as our perceptions expand, there is less and less nature to observe and more and more nature to explore. Experience is the desire of nature. Nature exists to be explored. Nature exists to be opened. Nature exists to be found. Nature may be studied, but Nature desires mind. For this reason, Nature is not what one expects. Any journey into nature yields more than what is expected. The mind exists to explore nature, yet the truth cannot be found by thinking. A journey is required that ends in understanding. It is said that knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. The wise travel.
Exploration leads to discovery. Newness opens the soul to new possibilities. The nature of life is expanding. The nature of Love cannot be defined.
Knowledge sits on the right side of Love, ruling the cosmos through all its infinite dimensions. Good (which at its most basic level is Light) sits on the left side of Love, guiding the cosmos through all its infinite dimensions. And ever opposed to Love sits darkness, the un-doer, that which is not but shall never be. The journey of life takes place in darkness, it's nature is only to reveal what it conceals, and hence it conceals nothing, which is a thought beyond nature that reveals psychology, to which all thinking and feeling beings must return when their meditation is done.
The mystery of nature is contained in the soul. The core of nature is experience. The heart of nature is openness. The spirit of nature is deepening. The mind of nature is quickening. The whole of nature is breathing. This is knowledge of nature. This is life as we know it. The mystery is eternal. The journey is everlasting. The learning is unquenchable. The feeling is all consuming. And time always flows towards destiny. We are the walking. We are the waking. We are the knowing. Yet all our dreams are as the sound of essence experiencing, opening, deepening, and quickening. We still need life. We still need to be. At the end of all philosophy lies our destiny to become human. Good luck with that.
Knowledge of Time (Currently Speculative Phase of Consideration)
Time is defined as that which is required to change space, and as such time defines space. Space is defined as volume. Consciousness is the third variable in this equation. The end result is a forth dimensional equation describing change in mathematical logic and language. As an example, when we start with a volume = 2 and then change this volume and make it volume = 1 then what has transpired to change 2 into 1 took place in time yet the change in volume occurred through a decision in consciousness. This is an entirely mental phenomenon interior to the mind, however, in the external universe this process occurs in exactly the same way except it occurs gradually (Again the geometry of the transformation of space through changes in time is defined though Mark McCutcheon's work in The Final Theory).
Thinking Vs. Thought (Speculative Stage of Consideration)
Thought is not thinking. Thinking is the process of forming ideas in the mind in the pursuit of definitions of reality. Thought is the pre-existing field of reality as it is defined through universal concepts. These concepts are discovered, and once they are discovered an individual possesses a thought copy of what the actual thought is. This thought copy is imperfect until perfected in thinking. The process of thinking is required to fully comprehend the nature of being both internal and external to one's self. Imperfect thought forms are projected through words.
How does the mind function?
Does the Universe function as a mind?
Laws of Mind
The mind cannot be known to itself. (The Law of Mental Observation)
The mind expands. (The Law of Expansion)
The mind is whole. (The Law of Unity)
All mind is total. (The Law of Universal Mind)
All non-mind is duality. (The Law of Universal Duality)
The mind dissolves non-mind. (The Law of Mental Dissolution)
The mind is creative. (The Law of Creative Emergence)
Laws of Thought
Thought may be known. (The Law of Mental Expression)
All thought is subject to vibration. (The Law of Vibration)
All thought in time returns to its source. (The Law of Correspondence)
All thought exists through waves of consciousness. (The Law of Operational Correspondence)
All thought exists in polarity. (The Law of Polarity)
All thought is mental. (The Law of Mind)
All thought is destructive. (The Law of War)
The Nature of Spirit and Essence
Spirit is active. (The Law of Initiation)
Spirit is not derived. (The Law of Uniqueness)
Spirit is not construed. (The Law of Origination)
Spirit is ordered. (The Law of Conditioned Nature)
The Nature of Objects
Everything is operationally independent of every other thing. (The Law Of Singularity)
Words to be defined or defined further:
Function - A function is a collective property of an element within a field. Function is defined through a collective field because individuals without field properties do not posses function. Functions defined as the six functions of human existence are evolved modes from human psychology. They are derived from processes conducted through egoic integration as a principle of identity through active existence.
Operation - An operation is a transformation or change. A procedure is an operation that when executed alters a process. (Definitions from the New Biology file in Traditional Science and Metaphysics Folder B).
Element - An emergent property of derived existence particular to individual objects and/or fields.
Property - A quality defined through sense by which we identify objects and/or fields. Properties, like functions, are collectively defined through more than one plane of interaction.
Field - A vibrational substrate. (Definitions from the New Biology file in Traditional Science and Metaphysics Folder B).
Substrate - That which is acted upon.
Plane of Interaction - When two objects interact, or when boundaries are crossed there exists two planes of interaction across two sets of consciousness being the consciousness of the objects in question. Hypothetical Assertion: This is used as a philosophical proof demonstrating multidimensionality in experience.
Interaction is assumed to be real though in cases of higher life the assumption is provable. In cases of inorganic life down to the quantum electron level proof may not be present. (Investigation required).
Property of objects: does it include consciousness? Relate interaction and consciousness.
Conditional transformation occurs when two objects or self same processes interact. The motion of each object enters the field of the other object upon interaction.
Object/Process/Field - All related and are aspects of mechanical logic and related to planes of interaction since all objects/processes/fields have planes of interaction.
Example of Plane of Interaction - Light clusters (photons)strike your eye and your eye's boundaries are penetrated by these light beams and your eye proves the plane of interaction. Since we see stuff this proves the planet of interaction idea.
Pressure is related to the planes of interaction across a boundary to create these multidimensional properties. Light clusters create pressure, wind creates pressure within the eye/ear and this pressure internal creates the experience of sound/light and even possibly color through an impression.
Note: Plane of Interaction is related to the file the Divinity of the Senses in Articles File
All multidimensional processes must exist inside a framework (because of planes of interactions requirement). If there is a crossing of a barrier/plane of interaction and causes a transformation in a field there is a 4th dimensional (at least) phenomenon the minute the crossing/interaction occurs. 3rd dimensional phenomenon is purely in "external space" but the minute there is an event which is something crossing a plane of interaction with something else. At the baseline or basic 3rd reality is a collision because quantum electrons are only capable of one fundamental type of interaction which is collisions with each other. So any collision here must be a 4th dimensional interaction across two planes of interaction in two different quantum electrons. The reason has to do with a law of consciousness related to the plane of the observer.
Event (Collision) > Planes of Interaction crossed (Unknown for quantum electron).
Plane of the Observer - 4th dimensional space is bidirectional in consciousness separating internal space/consciousness from external space/consciousness. This leads us to dimensionality and being as the fulcrum of math in multidimensional reasoning/logic. (Relates to Kabala at the basic level from the quantum electron's point of view as Trees of Life diagrams I have.) Our existence as beings in expanded analysis of multidimensional experience and reality defines The World Chain (Metaphysical concept).
Each consciousness that exists must exist in a separate space and separate from other processes (processes/fields/objects). This separate space is the space of their mind/imagination and possibly heart.
The Observer Effect - If you have an observer to 3-d phenomenon you automatically have a 4th dimension because the observer is outside the 3-d framework internally because of inner consciousness.
Bi-Directional Consciousness - creates two realities which exist at different dimensional vectors to each other..external and internal.
(The vitality of the observer or the paradigm of the observer in multidimensional analysis. The observer effect relates to dimensionality. The more observers you have the more dimensions you have (because the inner consciousness of the observer is separate in conscious space from the physical frame of reference of physical reality.) Multidimensional observation in space and time is related partially to the nature of this condition consciousness).
What causes dimensionality? A question of holistic reasoning/common sense.
(Attempt to isolate a cause in science through modern scientific procedure. We are trying to isolate physical condition which is a secondary cause in philosophical consideration. (See Aristotle's theory of causation.) The condition of separation is not validated by conditionality (physical reality/physics). We choose to create barriers and boundaries within our own minds and our own physical bodies present a clear frame of reference for our experiences so that when we are dealing with proofs of dimensionality we have to go through the full spectrum dimensional analysis in order to see what is clearly happening. Otherwise we deal with a lot of lies and illusions. In other words, the mind and body present barriers to the analysis of dimensional context because dimensional context is built into the physical through the physical frames of reference. It takes time to get past the limits of analysis here.)
Vector Planes and Geometrical Planes - Theoretical abstracts used accordingly.
Planer Logic and By Extension Reasoning- The growth of knowledge passes certain key markers of understanding where one is said to know all there is about a subject. These key markers denote moving from one plane (of understanding) to the next. Infinite planes exist in this regard.
Dimensional Interaction - ? does it exist ? Possibly not. Holistic experience suggests the mind is the only barrier to understanding that no barrier exists between dimensions when dealing with dimensions as a function of math, logic, reason, being, and most critically, definition (etc).
Dimensionality is not a cause, it is a condition of consciousness.
Causality operates seamlessly across multiple planes of being.
Dimensionality, Synchronicity, and Causality are all related. Causality cannot be inferred - Kant. You cannot infer causality from empirical evidence according to Kant. This is related to the Splicer phenomenon in Metaphysics (on the underside of divinity in the lower Metaphysical dimensions (4th/5th or etheric/astral)) which is a construct that preserves the purity of the divine through the separation of cause and effect in consciousness through segregation of experience to source. This separates the soul experiencing suffering from the crime that causes it and allows identity to self purify and remove contamination of external negativity imbedded in negative experience.
The World Chain (Metaphysical Concept)- The integral property of the soul through solar integration. Past Lives/Future Lives. World chain deals with chains of incarnation. Metaphysical Hypothesis: Derives secondary matter for use by the universe.
Law of Relation: Does kabala through certain tree of life interpretations represent the basic ones for color?
Holistic Theory of Knowledge - Knowledge exists as an infinite continuum of Godhood through individuality and differentiation followed by integration. This is in contrast to the divided theory of knowledge which postulates isolated properties through analysis but which ignores the process of integration as a function of total evolution of self.
Divine Fragment vs. Divine Being -
What is a Concept? A concept is a rough idea of what something might be. A concept is not an experience. Proof is an experience also, not a concept.
What is the relationship between Knowledge and Belief?
What is psychology?
Psychology is the operational property of advanced minds that self reflect.
Animals do not have human psychology, they have animal psychology rooted in instinct. Instinct is studied as a derivative of the psychology of human analysis, not the derivative of animal psychology, because animals do not philosophize or self analyze. (Animal experience differs from human experience. Animal psychology is instinctual derivation through complex or serial reconnection where human psychology is mental derivation through instinctive reconnection (???)(Not incidentally this is also the difference between lower brain functions and the higher brain functions in humans I believe ).
Elements of the Human Psychological Experience
The Living Word - The nature of language is far more complex than understood. The Living Word represents the evolving meaning implied in language for minds who can understand the nature of what is implied within and without through semantic calibration. This process has been ongoing throughout history and will continue into the future. Advanced minds and spirits build language up, but it is then corrupted by lesser minds and spirits who attempt to use language instead of understanding the common ground of the Living Word that is implied. It is not just about the agreement on meaning but upon the recognition that the human and the word cannot truly be separated. The Living Word consists not only of the words we use but of the people we speak to and who speak to us as well.
Primal Archetypical Fields - Fields of consciousness unwrapped in psychological investigation into the being of Archetypical energy. The nature of archetypes can be refined into many possible levels of meaning, and as such the word Archetype is not fully understood. In order for it to be so, Archetypes and their forms must be classified. Archetypical constructs must be separated from Archetypical fields of consciousness in a manner that upholds the rights of investigators and the investigated. (Needs some refinement through..investigation..)
Fixed Archetypal Constructs - What lay psychology calls archetypes is a reference to fixed archetypical constructs (hypothetical inference against "lay psychology"). Fixed archetypical constructs are the symbols we use to define them. For instance the Archetypical Warrior is both a functional primary archetypical field that is evolving, and a multitude (potentially infinite) of fixed archetypical constructs created in myths of various cultures. We could say this about any Archetype in its construct form. What is important for individuals comes next, after the Archetype is contemplated and polarization defines the individual for the moment. Then, a functional and effective emergent property of considering these Fixed Archetypal Constructs is the evolution of modes that allow for a person to become a functional element in reality. We call these more useful modes of being roles, but specifically these are Psychological Roles.
The Limits of Archetypes as useful definers of self and other is important for us to consider in the general analysis of current psychological thinking, specifically, of course, the Jungian school. Archetypes begin and end with practical thought. Archetypes are practical in application in defining Psychological Roles. But, for investigation beyond into the higher nature of our condition as beings and our existence in any form, Archetypes lose their meaning and we begin to encounter what I refer to as the paradox of personalization. This paradox is most apparent when we deal with topics of belief and questions of a higher order nature such as why are we here?, have we existed before?, what is the origin of life? Here archetypical constructs in particular do not offer any answers and we must move past them as psychonauts, explorers of the deep regions of human consciousness where "angels fear to tread".
The paradox of personalization is most simply demonstrated by a choice, that when given a choice any being with a desire to be loved will choose a personal deity over an impersonal one. A personal deity gives meaning to that person's hopes or dreams whereas an impersonal one does not.
Archetypes can be bi-passed on the road to full consciousness because they are not necessary as a function of personalization. They are necessary as a function of comprehensive analysis of modes of existence or possible realities, but not as a function of primal being. Hence, the requirement for another concept, which is not actually all that new, but in fact rather resurrected with new and more powerful consideration, the idea that I presented of Primal Archetypical Fields. The nature of psychological phenomenon being fluid and not fixed over the course of life we cannot simply utilize a fixed pattern of relating to a complex evolving network of relational definition that is formed from the interaction of the self with complex fields of psychological association. Our minds are complex evolving forms. While the laws of the cosmos are fixed relatively, these laws cannot simply be boiled down to a few fundamentally primitive archetypical solutions. We are not done exploring the true nature of our selves much less to define the limits of that exploration for the foreseeable future in some form of "map" of what we know about ourselves in terms of self knowledge. Indeed, such oversimplifications have lead to many, many misunderstandings between people because of the false worship of the Archetypical constructs instead of the understanding the science behind consciousness itself.
Psychological Roles - These are constructs such as "the knight" or "the king" or "the queen" which we find ourselves playing. These roles define individuals as performing certain functions as actors, characters in a world defined by the actions of these actors and characters. Our psychological roles define our functional being as individuals working within social realities. (Important Concept (!) : Functional Individuals vs. Social Realities demonstrates the clear and present distinction as to the nature of individuality vs. the nature of society and the essential truth that we are not alone in this world and that isolating our condition of being from the nature of human existence is one of the key errors of common reasoning in Western Civilization in particular. We do not exist in a vacuum, yet most areas of rational or scientific analysis utilize the vacuum theory of being which is not real.)
Can Experience and Mind be separated?
And if not what is the difference between Experience and Mind?
There is no experience that is known that is not observable by mind potentially. Mind is experienced, but cannot experience due to the fact that is primarily a frame of reference for the observer, spirit.
What does Mind observe?
Self, thought, or being.
Does Mind experience?
No. Mind considers, mind analyzes.
What experiences?
Article Ideas
Everything has a price. Only the thing itself though (the last part is one of those nuanced occult laws of the universe and such only to be considered by serious and most deep thinkers).
Why does everything cost a price? And by cost I certainly don't mean monetary cost in whatever paper/electronic currency is being traded for in your neck of the collective ignorance of 2014. But everyone's afraid of paying the price. The price is what we call "the catch" that we all fear right around the corner of our worst suspicions. So what does this mean? Well if so much of our time is spent avoiding the price of what we must pay, then how is it that we really know that the price isn't worth paying?
Psychology vs. Philosophy
The psychology of magic vs. the philosophy of magic
Synchronicity (Meaningful Coincidence) and the case of being surprised - Synchronicity will never happen to you if you actually looking for it. Observation negates synchronicity. Synchronicity will only occur by surprise because you weren't expecting it. If you were expecting a synchronicity then it is not a synchronicity by definition. If you are worshipping synchronicity then this is bad news for you because there is nothing special about synchronicity. Synchronicity happens because of the law of association. The mind associates elements within its consciousness to other elements. This is what we call learning. Sagittarius in astrology represents synchronicity, luck, and incidentally the higher mind. Synchronicity is luck on many levels.. . I wanted a sandwich and behold here it is! Childish concepts of synchronicity point to the illusion of specialness that we buy into.
Association is the phenomenon of noticing connections which is what we call synchronicity or learning (which is incidentally not so magical but basic and necessary). The unconscious mind performs its own associations to create a mental map of reality
The Power of the Mind - The power of the mind through belief is extraordinary. There is also then the power of physics itself. Magical thinking is irrational. The counterpoint to magical thinking is logical thinking (rational thinking can incorporate magical thinking). (NOTE: Good example to analyze issues between magical and logical thinking is quantum algebra equation) The reason these two are at odds is that logical thinking and logical thinking have two totally different functions. Wishes and dreams are about magical thinking and it serves an important function in creation in that it paves the way for creation by creating a vision. If you can conceive it you can create it eventually so this is vital. Magical thinking however tends towards the unconditional possibility and inevitability of potential manifesting. However, reality however is conditional, and these conditions create the boundaries to what can be in the moment or what will be at any moment. This is why you can't manifest a billion dollars falling from the sky because you want it to because of the conditional reality you find yourself in. The tension between magical thinking and logical thinking represents an archetypical conflict that represents two necessary functions of thought and existence. In astrology this is Virgo vs. Pisces. You have to be logical, rational, and magical at times, but that is the point, you can't be all three at all times. (There are some places in the physical universe where a being with the ability can point at a car and turn it to 24k gold instantly, but not in all the places in the universe. There is a cost involved and a necessity of earning these abilities through some capacity at every stage that doesn't necessarily involve suffering as a necessity but does involve effort and production. )
* Criticisms of magical thinking must be seriously what is magical thinking? In physics magical thinking is demonstrated with such statements as this exists because it is. Why is this magical? Because there is no causal relationship implied. Incidentally, however the gist of this idea is the very basis for practical is what it is..whatever. Yet these two statements are radically different. Existence is an implied condition of being when we use the term because whereas "it is what it is" is a statement of validation requiring no proof (though you may also say that it also doesn't say anything really necessary, fundamental, or actionable). You must define existence clearly when you use the term because.
(Psychological Hypothetical Definition) Magical thinking can thus be refined down thinking that ignores causal relationships or unconditional thought.
While causality cannot be inferred causality is implied. - Chris's response to Kant
Critical thinking is the ability to tell the difference between something and something else or the ability to define the state of our understanding through definition and boundaries.
?? Why can't I have what I want? This is the core magical problem. (Note: Scorpio rules magic in general when it deals with desire and specifically water magic in general). God get what God wants just by saying I want this..and it's there! Or at least that is one definition of God. Getting what you want requires something..which is the price. The price you pay for magic or anything you do in reality. The magical and physical world both demand something. You get A only for B. Why? Why don't we have the ability to create anything we want? If we are gods, why can't we create whatever we want (right now)? (The selfishness problem and the impatience problem). In physical reality what you want is great distances from you in time and space. So why didn't we just choose to be in a magical universe where we could create whatever we wanted instantly? This creates several paradoxes in thinking that when resolved show how this is the best of all possible worlds and that all is right with the universe. There are many paradoxes that this line of questions takes us. If you have faith in God and/or your own divinity you say that you created your own reality or that God is right..which creates additional philosophical paradoxes that drive thinking people into frenzies of frustration. If you are God then you created this limitation for yourself! Why would you do such a stupid thing? If you aren't then no doubt God meant for this limitation to exist, which seems equally odd and nonsensical..because it begs the question of why would He in all his infinite glory do that? In this world you have to deal with who you are as a part of it..but if you think of the ideas of God that we think are real then you could or He could create anything. So what is the nature of God? Is God this infinite power within ourselves to manifest anything? Then what happens to the other, the big problem with our concepts of divinity, that other person/thing/god out there whose occupying some sort of shard space with us (WTF?)? What's this person/thing/whatever that isn't you? Who the hell created THAT? And it's in your way! This automatically limits our divine nature on some level to being relational (or relative) to other beings which moves us away from the monotheistic perspective to a polytheistic perspective. We move toward not just any ordinary polytheistic perspective..but one that is closest to the one's that consider the possibility that humans are on some level..divine. (This moves us towards the concept of Archons.) This is close to the Egyptian version of reality who saw man as a God on some level, which contrasts sharply with the capricious gods of the Greeks who were distant manipulators of the universe at the Greeks saw it and man was at the mercy of these external distant powers. The faraway beings who planned it all (Greek) contrasts with certain primitive Judeo-Christian concepts of the faraway singular being who planned it all. However, as we move back to the polytheistic perspective it introduces the idea of the multiplicity of divinity which can ultimately incorporate a singular godhead with an infinite array of lesser gods (A notion more compatible with Hindu theism which is highly complex and philosophical in nature though much depends on who is doing the interpreting) which is a very powerful idea when fully considered. Humans as god and/or multiple gods and/or the multiplicity of divinity we deal with the issue of the other. The paradox of the other contrasts sharply with our Classical God who can summon the universe into being instantly and do whatever He wants whenever He wants.
What if God cannot create whatever he wants whenever he wants because there other gods and other divine realities? What if our idea of God is wrong?
Theistic Constructs - Monotheistic Construct, Polytheistic Construct, and Pantheistic Construct
Classical Christian/Jewish/Islamic God - God of power. The Absolute God. Universal Absolute.
Modified Classical God (The Western Thinking Man's God) - A single divine Godhead. It has been argued by certain schools of divinity that God (this type of God) cannot have any wants or desires. He must be complete in all He wants or desires. If such a being as a singular Godhead exists He represents a state free of desire and a state that is outside of time and space and does not concern Himself with the running of physical reality (Deism and the Clockmaker God).
In Gnostic and polytheistic tradition different Gods created different aspects of reality.
The polytheistic view doesn't negate the ultimate truth of the monotheistic idea (everything leads to One ultimate Truth). It does however create many questions and exposes theistic paradoxes that must be resolved to arrive at a complete answer.
The division in unity is created when we look through rational and logical analysis. This division in unity creates these paradoxes in belief and because these paradoxes exist it is paramount that we resolve the paradox if we are to be considered masters of philosophy and to a lesser extent, science. This, however is primarily an issue of philosophy. What is required here is holistic thinking that leaves us complete in our minds and satisfied with the results of our answers and eliminates the paradox. This demonstrates mastery of philosophy and of gnosis of divinity.
In some Polytheistic constructs - The Ennead of many ancient religions (the top 9 gods of polytheistic traditions - Sumerian, Greek, Egyptian, etc). These traditions have a top god that moves towards the monotheistic concepts we traditionally followed in the West. Other polytheistic traditions like in India it is highly complex with a head god (Brahma). Indian religion is very conceptual and open ended. There are orthodox schools but there is a great deal of leeway with Indian philosophy and thinking.
In the Pantheistic construct - (which are incidentally merged in many perspective through the derived polytheistic concepts) - The nature centric version of reality. Nature is created through nature and natural processes that can be derived in modern traditions of Pantheism through law or mathematics or even some sort of mysterious types of forces (needs work). Our modern physics is a complex intellectual version of Pantheism because nature is essentially running it through mathematics. It is running itself in some versions of Big Bang quantum physics is essentially the same as saying nature is running it.
In Western conventional thinking "we" have rejected Polytheism, Traditional Pantheism (but not advanced derived Pantheism), and traditional Monotheism of our former traditions.
Motivation - Motivation is related to desire as desire is the primary motivation for most of what we do. Those who are motivated are committed. Survival tends to be the strongest motivation next to Love. Yet survival is such a primary motivator that it cannot be considered a desire, it must be considered something akin to primal nature of the psyche itself. Only Love is stronger that survival as a motivator, but Love has to develop in the consciousness before it can manifest as a function of active motivation. Motivation is an Aries/Scorpio function in Astrological analysis.
What motivates people?
Conscious Motivators vs. Unconscious Motivators - Most sets of "education" or instruction come in the form of unconscious motivators - things such as drugs, sex, security (often through following orders), etc.
Short Sayings
For love of interpretation did the Gods create astrology to fool mortals into believing that they could plan their destiny through the will of the Gods. Suckers.
Presumptive Hypothetical: Knowledge cannot be known, only the knower can see.
The play it safer's long term wealth gaining potential vs. the risk takers long term wealth gaining potential as a function of game theory.
Game theory sets up a analysis where one group is opposed to the other group over a long period of time. This may be a function of comedy, however as a general analysis it reduces pop cultural or folk wisdom assumptions to their fundamental weakness in argument. Folk wisdom is stupid, and it sets up people to live in traps created by cultural biases.
For instance, the argument between savers and non-savers is garbage. Saving what? Playing it safe, but why? What game are you playing? Have you analyzed it? Are you a knee jerk conservative with extreme caution as a root level emotional disposition? Are you a hyper "manic" risk taker who doesn't care about the costs of quick and recklessly considered actions? These are the problems of reducing all argument down to what I refer to as Archetypical conflicts. Such conflicts exist universally and at all times. Yet much of general dialogue uses Archetype conflict analysis bias which is utterly non-applicable in universal thinking. You may call such a problem in thinking primitive argument. Primitive argument uses name calling, labeling, black and white, either-or type statements to discourage progress in certain directions. Inevitably the root cause of the argument is the person who is making it's perceived agenda and agenda bias.
Archetypical conflicts in argument waste energy and time. Once the argument has become you are evil and I am good, then there is no point in continuing discussion. Examples of Archtypical stalemate: You are right, I am wrong. Black vs. white. Male vs. Female. Straight vs. Gay.
Person > Needs or Wants > Personal Agenda > Uses thinking as Propaganda to support bias in Personal Agenda > Communication is manipulative and irrational because thinking is not based on principles.
Thinker >Analyzes Situation > Decides on Values > Derives Principle without personal agenda > Produces Duty Chain Ideology > Produces Commitment > Proposes Thought as a Solution to Situations > Communication is based on reason and considers results as constructive or destructive
The problem with most people is that do not think their ideas through to their conclusion. As such they depend on unconscious expectations to produce results, and the results are typically not what is expected. Expectations are useful only in that they represent ultimate outcomes. But all outcomes have a price, and the less one is willing to consider cost in one's analysis, the less likely one's expectations will successfully generate a good outcome. Results does not equal outcomes. Results are what you get, outcomes are what you have to live with afterwards. The problem with focusing solely on results is that the ends do not always justify the means because the outcome will be poor or even bad if the ends used are too ruthless. Reckless decisions inevitably lead to a sense of regret when living with the outcome of the choices made. Our system encourages recklessness as a function of culture, or lack thereof.
The common man or woman is a prisoner of their cultural thinking. The advantage of the intellectual is that he or she can deprogram themselves from the biases of primitive thinking with its controlling biases against individual self assertion and self development.
Controversy is important in media. Directing controversy is impossible, because controversy is based on polarization (of the unconscious psychic mind). However, controversy can be generated to create hype and disturb the status quo. The purpose of this process is to drain energy from the status quo through the projection of contradiction in consciousness or the implication of contradiction. Contradiction is highly controversial. Suspended Controversy is one standard of generating suspension of action in media/communication conflicts involving one or more parties. Suspended Controversy works by creating an atmosphere of controversy in order to distract or delay a process by exploiting insecurity in thinking and self image through exposing contradictions in analysis or thought within the individual or group one wishes to delay (specifically their actions presumably opposed to one's own agenda).
In this case, the happy hypocrite will blow off the contradiction as irrelevant and stick to arrogance as their modus operandi of successfully accomplishing "results" whether or not these "results" are real. Accepting hypocrisy is one solution to the controversy/contradiction mind game. Or to paraphrase from the childhood name calling I remember from elementary school, "I'm rubber and you are glue, whatever you call me bounces off to me and sticks to you." In this regard our society favors the advantage of happy hypocrisy as there is no external measure of sanction against internal contradictions in reasoning.
None the less, labeling is the standard mechanism of projecting control and subservience. The process of labeling becomes a war through and on the definition of reality. This complex projection of ideology through applied psychology and linguistic/semantic manipulation and/or conflict forms the core set of debates which determines society's mindset. The desire and need to control this mindset (obviously for profit and/or power) is why semantic conflict has become so intense as the words we use and how we define ourselves is twisted through the media by various interest groups and political factions. Advanced intellectuals here are clearly "to blame" for this process, as intellectuals base their power on understanding ideas, but when this fails they tend to become intellectually manipulative about what they don't know or don't understand. This is where intellectual group-think arises as a barrier to real thought. Individual thought and clear minded definition within one's own consciousness are the only real ways around the labeling trap that is a subset of the great game of semantic mind control.
Interpretation - Filtering or reconstituting raw information or data and presenting it in a certain manner.
Interpretation and theories of interpretation are key and vital areas of research to understand the way in which sensory information is processed by the brain and body. This is physical interpretation.
The other main form of interpretation is psychological interpretation which includes propaganda, "education", and opinion.
Research and Investigation - Interpretation must run aground to conflict as interpretations vary and opinions are typically formed based on various biases such as the expert bias. When forming strong interpretations or even proving an assertion completely one must use research and investigation to provide evidence for the interpretive case. While many people believe blindly, a strong minded individual must be able to resist opposing interpretations and building a case through evidence discovered through research and investigation to critically develop a strong position in any argument.
Interpretive Criticism - The vital role of criticism in expanding an existing case is vital. Constructive criticism will show someone making a case the weak points in their case or the holes in their hypothesis/theory. This is in contrast with destructive criticism which is designed to destroy the reputation of the person making a particular position through personal attacks or innuendo. Destructive criticism is only useful in political conflict, and then it is only useful as long as it is a popularly accepted means of attack in the "court of public opinion" of the group in question. Yet destructive criticism comes with a long term disability (see dialogues on karma as well as dialogues on position theory) that damages the long term credibility of anyone caught using it or any society that permits it (in the former case the damage is to the individual and in the later case the damage falls on the group).
Position Theory - (A Theory of Argumentative Inertia) - The position in an argument is critical when presenting a personal case. Attacks on a person, for instance, always costs position in the long run because the argument comes from the lowest common denominator of aggression. Here, in a civilized or human context, the one utilizing destructive criticism loses position to the one who is using constructive criticism or one who is just building a case for a particular course of action through their interpretation of personal values.
According to position theory, every single motion of an argument places the active protagonist (the one doing the arguing for or against something) in a particular position where they have a certain inertia. The purpose of argument is to maintain the high ground in a discussion in this regard through the utilization of the highest level position. Arguments hinge around this process. The inertia of the argument is maintained using known facts extracted from evidence and research backed in proof when possible. An argument ends when the active protagonist has proven his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt.
The advantage of being right is that one has automatic position that is guaranteed. The disadvantage to being right is that it carriers with it a burden of responsibility to make a case if there is substantial reason to believe that changing someone else's mind about a subject will result in long term positive gain to either one's self or to the other one has a duty to inform.
Hierarchy of Justification - All argument based reasoning is based on a hierarchy of justification which points to underlying values.
Principles or Principalia - A set of rules that a person chooses to follow. Principles are rooted in values and they are the bedrock of the hierarchy of justification.
Values - Choices people make regarding what is important to them personally. Money is an impersonal set of operating principles that has no value outside of the value people assign to it (see economic ideas further down).
Duty - Duty is the root of all long term development through discipline. The root of ambition is duty to one's self. The root of higher collective concepts of duty is love of some form of order or love of individuals, tribes, nations, worlds, civilizations, etc. There is also a class of spiritual duty that transcends common understanding of duty though this spiritual duty is not well defined collectively but an individual experience of duty to some higher purpose that transcends ordinary thinking concerning what standard societal duty entails. Duty to one's ideals here is a class of spiritual duty.
Duty has a place is astrology represented by the sign of Capricorn and by the planet Saturn.
Aesthetic and Moral Opinion: Duty as an aesthetic form manifests as the love of order and produces structured expressions. While this form of art has been rejected in modern society, it's former height can be seen during Enlightenment Europe in the highly ordered and polished forms of expression of the Neoclassical Period. Duty should not degrade into duty for the sake of duty, but a higher purpose (Virtue or Principle) must be maintained whether this is for someone else or for one's self. Structure and order must have function.
(Boundaries and Definitions in Law and Psychology- Concepts such as the rights of the individual, respect for boundaries, etc.. should be considered.
Hierarchy of Legal Principles - When forming legal thought in one's mind you must keep in mind that the hierarchy of principles as a function of necessity, order, and conscience.)
Genius and Essay on Morality- In general though not always in stark contrast to duty is the concept of genius. Astrologically represented by the sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. The unique process of genius is generally not at home in the concept of duty but instead draws its inspiration initially in frequent opposition to duty bound hierarchy. At the root level genius begins simply as opposition to the way things have been done. Thus rebellion may very well be the first spark of new solutions and new ways of doing. The problems with mindless rebellion, however, brings us to a chief and significant issue when dealing with pure resistance in that is often incorrect. While genius bucks against the establishment, true genius does not buck against the establishment for the sake of rebellion alone, but instead for some higher principle or reason that is discovered in the course of investigation and research into the nature of the self and the nature of what is real. As such while a duty bound individual seeks to fulfill some form of guardianship role as a guardian of something, person, place, etc., a genius seeks freedom to discover one's own role outside of what established ideology has conceived as this person's duty. As such, the genius is challenging the role of official authority as the decider of his or her fate and is actually placing themselves above the establishment as an authority of what is true, necessary, and right.
Legal Supposition: All rebellion can be reduced absolutely through propaganda as insurrection, treason, or simply childishness. What this means is that in position theory, the establishment's primary argument against any change is that it is a vain rebellion against authority for the purpose of overthrowing authority to gain power. This, however, opens up the authority to the charge of hypocrisy and begins a duty chain argument where the function and knowledge of higher law becomes critical. The reason the authority is opened now to the charge of hypocrisy is that authority is not granted to authority to decide authority (because of the law of personal values) and authority has been misappropriated through rebellion automatically in every case in physical reality. (Note: The argument here is that one cannot use the position of authority alone to claim authority, though one may use one's position in authority to abuse such authority so long as no challenge to that authority destroys the will of those following their duty chain.) Authority is decided through a complex set of arrangements and processes, but in truth authority is actually a position within the structure of rational assessment. Duty bound authority is restricted and biased because of its prior oaths to particular ideologies, beliefs, or organizations. As such, duty bound authorities are open to the charge of hypocrisy when attacking someone with differing ideologies, beliefs, or oaths.
Legal Supposition (Cont): Continuing this line of reasoning, if authority claims authority through a chain of duty, they have violated the law of authorization. According to this principle, authorization cannot be claimed a priori to a function of mind. Since all legal frameworks are mental frameworks, then authorization cannot be granted by substitution. As such, claims of duty do not substitute for authority based on principle. According to the law of principle, the highest order good must be considered before any other. The law of principle renders all procedural law irrelevant when the highest order good comes before the lower order processes of bureaucratic proceedings. We are witnessing the effects of these natural laws of psychology or psychospiritual ideation in the discrediting of the formal structures of authority all over the world.
Duty Chain Argument - To determine motivation of authorities for the purpose of exposing their ideology which may be corrupting their actions, a duty chain argument is used to assess what people are doing in terms of duty to others to discover conflicts of duty. While official oaths exist as de-facto binders in theory, in practice people's loyalties are not on public display typically, and this includes public officials. A duty chain argument is used to support an official's reason or justification for exercising power. Much of such a duty chain argument in current law is based on what is referred to as precedent or what has been done before me by others in my hierarchy of peers. However, in other instances, the duty chain argument has more to do with oaths and affirmations. Proof of fulfillment of one's duty is typically not required of today's authority and duty has largely become a concept used against those who are the bottom of hierarchies of authority. The question of conflicts of duty could be worded like this: whose devil are you serving?
A duty chain argument is the supporting framework for rationalizing the transfer of power from the majority of people in a collective democratic tradition to those who act on behalf of these people as representatives. However conflicts of duty automatically apply to this situation.
In a duty chain argument, when required, a set of principles must be elucidated to assemble a rational justification for any individual actions or decisions. It is principles that create the justifications for duty and that allow duty to be acted on and realized. Organic or natural duty operates through natural association and human realization without defined principles. Higher level duty is abstract to the natural mind in the natural state of the human condition. Humans are local creatures and unless culturized to their connection to the rest of the real world, advanced consciousness of national, civlizational, or planetary unity do not occur automatically. As such natural duty is the exception to the requirement for principles as it is automatic and self evident without the need for direct analytical criticism. In all other cases a set of principles must exist to define duty clearly to the mind of those who are acting through duty as their highest order motivator. (Note: This is in contrast with acting from desire which is an emergent property of human nature that is itself a subset of complex structured and ordered natural systemology because we are biological beings within a biological framework).
Any set of principles must begin with an examination of the rationality of virtue, that is things that are good of themselves. Giving is considered a virtue better than taking. If we move this into the realm of principle however, virtue becomes more sophisticated and we develop a set of opinions about how giving should work. This then, taking virtue and evolving it in the mind, gives rise to principle which is the basis of higher law which is contrast to procedural law. Using principles then, and moving beyond virtue, we can create a system that is properly called Moral Law. Moral Law is considered to be superior to the abstract concepts employed in Procedural Law. Accordingly we are left to consider the order of operations and the highest order function in the exceptionally complex subject of conflict analysis.
Conflicts of Duty - Authority figures automatically have conflicts of duty. (Note: These duties listed below are in order of how one properly learns of duty, not their actual relative importance at any one moment in life) The first duty is duty to one's self to survive. The 2nd duty is duty to one's family. The 3rd duty is duty to one's collective oaths and obligations as a leader or authority figure in a collective organization. Here, oaths and official obligations fall below the hierarchy of morality for one's implied moral duty to one's position in the organization. As an example the president takes an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, but this falls below his implied moral duty to preserve the nation as a whole.
When official oaths are required to assure that principles are protected at the expense of highest order good, then we must assume that a corruption of values has taken place. This means that procedure has become more important than outcomes, and while this may appear in a surface analysis as positive, it has long term negative consequences because what has been created is an ideological trap. (Note: this is in absence of any direct moral consideration).
Returning to the realization of conflicts of duty, we realize that all authority figures are subject to the forces of corruption through the conflicts of duty, especially if they are unaware the importance of duty based psychological motivation. The duty to one's self, family, or organization are also in conflict with any spiritual duties that may be discovered in the process of learning about one's self. A duty to humanity or a duty to a deity may also emerge in consciousness as a fundamental duty. Even this spiritual duty could be a subject to the dangers of corruption of value because there also exists a conflict of value.
Thus without a hierarchy of morality, conflicts in duty tend to be resolved through the lowest common denominator because these duties are the most natural to the originating human condition. As such we would expect the highest power of duty to be found in the association of tribal fields of belonging (i.e. one's natural community) and the direct family itself. For this reason national and collective human good tends to get deflected as we observe the motivations for corruption among authority figures varies from protecting themselves to protecting their circle of allies in their natural community. In our system, a hierarchy of morality was never directly taught as a means of increasing the conscientiousness of duty through a proper hierarchy of duty. While this framework may appear cumbersome to the highly conscientious, for society as a whole such a concept in an advanced information rich society such as ours is required as a function of socialization. Without such an implied set of duties, no authority exists to claim the existence of a larger duty bound social principle (to the nation) outside of the one implied in cultural analogies, and these cultural analogies do not constitute a chain of command or any order of authorization whatsoever as they are already de-facto a cultural expression and not an expression of trained duty whether implied or clearly defined and communicated. (I.E. almost no one sights Hollywood movies for where they learned the difference between their duty and what they shouldn't have been doing such that Hollywood is not a recognized moral authority that communicates principles of duty to our society because it is not a recognized authorized education establishment empowered to do so by the administrative or spiritual authorities of our society. As such no one can hold one accountable for not following any examples that might exist there as to do so would be the height of ridiculousness.)
Political Hypothesis: Duty, in addition, cannot be a one way street. Duty implies returned duty. Blind obedience to authority is not a proper structure of authority. Authority is engaged in an exchange of value automatically and must assume that it's duty is higher than the duty of those it is serving. Implied in this mandate is the concept that those in power must use authority to champion those who are not in authority. If this mandate is not adhered to, then authority is being misused to coerce with force through negation (fear, hate, violence, etc). While those at the bottom of hierarchies of duty are expected to contribute something to the collective process, it is unjust to claim they have a duty to serve those who do not serve them in the long run. However, the public mind is subject to correction from higher authority if the public mind has been corrupted by those with personal agendas. This creates a very delicate and intricate balance of power in such systems that requires a great deal of consciousness to navigate effectively as a ruler with a duty to protect and act as a guardian of the nation.
Duty and Authority in Simplicity: Implied in the mandate of the duty of the leader is the duty of the follower. It is presumed that the follower wishes no duty as he or she is just following whatever the leader says. But also implied in this is that the follower wishes to have a duty because he or she is following whatever the leader says. So then it must be deduced that the follower is looking for a duty if he or she is following the leader. The leader's duty is to give the follower a meaningful task that is rewarding. The followers task is to complete this task.
Conflict of Value - Conflicts of value are the root of many unsolvable and intractable differences between people and groups. Extreme ideologues attempt to solve conflicts of value by destroying other people's values rather than negotiating a just resolution.
Theory of Formal Morality
Hierarchy of Duties
Hierarchy of Principles
Hierarchy of Desires
Hierarchy of Values (Is there one?)
Hierarchy of Virtues (Is there one?)
The Four Elements of Morality are Duty, Principle, Values, and Virtues.
Virtues- What one aspires to including ideals
Values- What one loves
Duty - What one believes is necessary to be done
Principle - What one believes as a function of thought
(Desire is that which opposes morality as a function of freedom)?
The Six Functions of Human Existence (As a function of Semi-Sentient Evolution)
Values, Desires, Principles, Duties, Virtues, and Conscience(s)
The Six Operations of Human Functioning
Decision, Pleasure, Learning, Conditioning, Willing, Perfecting
Thoughts on Ideal Conscience vs. Realistic (Re-)Development of Conscience
Conscience is considered the core ideal of an advanced society. Through conscience we transcend the necessity of formal morality through spiritual intuition in individuals (souls). However, a system of formal morality is still necessity for social purposes and to establish systems of external reinforcement for conscientious action. Also the management of society requires a set of general principles to define and teach conscience.
Internally conscience is a derivative of deep spiritual contemplation, not necessarily an automatic. The reason is that while a being is born with automatic consciousness, the field of ego creates distortions in perfectly reflected conscience. Here examples of conscience can be used to emulate a higher state of consciousness, but without the full sweep of formal morality, deep spiritual contemplation, and full comprehension, conscience is likely to degraded through incomplete assessment of formal morality, partial spiritual contemplation, and partial emulation of higher examples (perhaps through to corruption or degradation of memory in source material or even directly in perception of one's idols of conscience).
Example of emulation higher examples include the formal religious traditions including be like Jesus and act like Jesus. These elements of emulation can be easily corrupted if information is missing from the formal record (true in this case), or if the person does not know what they are emulating or how they are emulating. This also isn't really fully conscious as an individual as one is still dependent upon the example without full comprehension and understanding of why or how this example is the highest and best. It also precludes the existence of better examples coming along and also, if used to the exclusion of personal conscience, a dangerous shadow precedent of essentially turning conscience into a vain repetitious mantra or copying of the idols. In addition, no story or example of any spiritual idol could be sufficient to cover any case of plausible moral dilemma that would require a fully functioning conscience to work out the best solution. In the real story of evolving conscience, a being would inevitably encounter a moral dilemma that was not covered in the basic rulebook or emulated example and would be forced to think for himself or herself by necessity. Here, the real test of conscience, must allow for a degree of moral error in order for spiritual growth to occur.
Without the element of spiritual growth as an idea, then all theory of morality becomes subject to mockery, which oddly enough is practiced by those who choose any type of emulation process to create a viable vehicle of conscience within themselves. Of course, by mockery, I mean external mockery of the ridiculousness that comes from an unexamined life that has not considered any formal moral theory or any formal set of principles, or any criticism of the hierarchy of duty that the person in question may have inherited or learned. Questioning the theory or the hierarchy of justifications is required to be considered a conscientious individual who thinks for themselves. But such a process is an exercise in reason which most people would prefer to avoid as it is tedious and requires a great deal of concentration to exercise.
The concept of spiritual growth must be taken account as a concept in order to justify the consideration of morality in regards to one's life. The reason for this is, that in a dead end universe with no hope of future lives, such as the theories of perma-death or eternal static afterlife as are the primary theories of western religions, the need for spiritual growth is denied as a function of "God". This denial creates a major philosophical problem when we consider the "why" we should care question relating to the difficulty of creating a conscience in the first place. If our lives are to end in perma-death then questions of conscience, for the average person or egoist, become nearly mute. One must then develop a martyr complex in order to justify taking positive actions to save or help others, simply because it is necessary for the mind to have a reason to care that is impersonal yet rational. Otherwise, the connection must be emotional or irrational and based upon natural feelings of connectedness to the other person who is being assisted. This, of course, is what we refer to in general as human goodness, and despite the great cynicism of the world, has not been stamped out of every human being who lives on Earth today.
While not everyone is a grand moral theorist, people still demonstrate human goodness in the absence of advanced theories of metaphysical causality that an advanced moralist would use. While humanity has not advanced to the level of such perfect morality, it still is capable of demonstrating conscience in action, even in the absence of prior contemplation. Here the feminine demonstrates the automatic conscience which exists as the root of souls, often demonstrated in simple people with no formal education. While these people have harsh and difficult lives, they often display human goodness even in cultures that deny its very existence. In these examples we see a profound phenomenon that I must refer to as conscience in emergence as they cannot be predicted to occur using formal logical theories of human behavior in the absence of what some would refer to as "romantic notions" of love that transcend the cold reason and logic of formal schools of morality, psychology, desire, duty, or even the lofty principles themselves. Reason here runs into the ancient and difficult to comprehend (for excessively "left-brained" thinkers) domain of virtues, values, and general good deeds that we extol.
Virtues and Principles are very similar. Principles are the grounding bedrock of one's formal moral philosophy that one practices. Virtues, on the other hand, are the expressive ideals that one finds attractive and desirable. Ideally our principles and our virtues line up perfectly, but in reality, most people are in moral conflict with themselves. These moral conflicts create many of the large scale life dramas we are drawn into. And at the core of these conflicts is typically a clash between virtues and a person's individual principles for which they are willing to sacrifice virtues to. Moral dilemmas always involve weighing which virtues must be sacrificed for which principles, or vice versa. Most "high moralists" would argue that one should never sacrifice virtues for principles (the feminine perspective). Most "realistic moralists" would argue that principles, being close to duties, must never be sacrificed for virtues for which they claim are sentimental rather than necessary (the masculine perspective).
It is inevitable in the context of creating a theory of formal morality or even living a unconsciously moral life that the conflict between virtues (and by extension values) and principles (and by extension duties) will contrast and very likely clash. It is this contrast and clash that creates the character of an individual as the conflict creates the moral dynamics of their soul through their decisions as to which path of action they will follow, and as they are largely forced to justify their actions to themselves and/or others. This process, observed externally, is what is referred to as drama. No amount of deference to any theory of formal morality (including any hierarchy of idealized abstract moralizing) or any perfect emulation of any personal idol can avoid this ultimate confrontation between virtue and principle that is implied during the moment the soul must choose a path for itself in the absence of any additional external information concerning the nature of what it must do in the moment. Here, any lingering negativity will be exposed in the character as character flaws. And following the emergence in consciousness of these character flaws, they can be used to trace out the conflict between the character's principles (formally created or informally forged unconsciously) and the character's virtues (what do they love to aspire to?).
The Value of Proof - One must prove something surely. What am I to prove?
Conflicts as Definers - Definition by opposition is similar in principle to definition by negation. Conflict creates the necessary friction for definition through boundary formation. (Conflict emerges automatically from differences between something and something else.) Secondarily there is definition through self-assertion, though self-assertion is more properly thought of as a bi-product of definition. (I am that I am.)
Man - A word that means Warrior of Love.
Woman - A word that means Goddess of War.
Those who corrupt words never understand their true meaning. Words cannot simply be used, they must be evolved.
Corruption of Value - The idea is that value is not only material, but with material values, these vary as well. Not all society's value money above everything else, and not every society that does value money uses the same measure of money or form of money. Standardization of valuation can only come at the expense of reasoning, a form of financial fetishism which only considers the cash value of something in the official currency of the nation at the moment. Such a simple view of investment, economics, and transactions reduces the complex flow of goods, services, and energy in an economy into a simplistic demand based "what's in it for me?" specifically meaning how much in this exact form of money do I get for everything I do? The question becomes a larger problem not at the micro scale individual level, even though the corruption of value in business thinking is quite significant at the base, but at higher levels of social organization up to and including administration (now wrongly called government) itself.
Change Language = Changing Values
Replace the 5 Institutions that rule the collective darkness of humanity-
Religion - Replaced with Knowledge (Two Branches: Natural Science and Spiritual Science (Metaphysics))
Government - Administration
Economics - Management (Branches: Allocation, Production, and Trade)
Race/Tribe - Culture
Hierarchy - Family
Replace Corporations and Central Banking with Businesses/Workers Cooperatives and Free Money Supply respectively.
Batra System Adjunct (Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout) and the Law of Social Cycles)
Warrior Society in Law of Social Cycle is Monarchy/Tyranny in Aristotle's writing- Modern adaptation of theory assuming 100% democracies for the foreseeable future is known as Executive Democracy with power in the hands of the president/prime minister/chief executive of the nation.
Intellectual Society in the Law of Social Cycles is Oligarchy/Plutocracy in Aristotle's writing - Modern adaptation of theory assuming 100% democracies for the foreseeable future is known as Judicial Democracy with power in the hands of judicial authority/courts/meritocracy/spiritual rulers of the nation.
Aquisitor Society (Rule of Capitalists/Money/Landed Interests) in the Law of Social Cycles is Democracy/Tyranny in Aristotle's writing - - Modern adaptation of theory assuming 100% democracies for the foreseeable future is known as Parliamentary Democracy with power in the hands of parliamentarians and various economic authorities.
Word Association Ideas- Words are associated in thought. Yet when we use a word, it may not be the correct word that we are actually implying in our usage. This occurs due to false association or pure deception.
All statements made by teachers must include qualifiers, otherwise they represent incomplete views on a subject.
Qualifier - A proper qualifier is a message that states under which conditions a particular set of statements can be considered true. The Sun is yellow, for instance, is under proper scientific conditions to be qualified by the statement that stars change color over time during the natural course of the stellar life cycle. It is yellow now and for the foreseeable future. However, in day to day speech, qualifiers become too burdensome so they are dropped. Only in formal investigation or debate are qualifiers necessary and useful respectfully.
Investigation - A process of exploration which is intended to draw conclusions and find answers. Investigation is an internal process within the mind and self.
(Charlatans are easy to spot because they spout generalities without specifics and spout specifics from a narrow point of view. )
Equation - A mathematical statement used to prove knowledge of logic.
Mathematics and Metaphysics - Metaphysical Hypothesis (Intuitive Hypothetical): Mathematics (as we understand it) may represent a layer and barrier within the 6th dimension (The "Mental" dimension) of existence where knowledge of math is assumed above this dimensional level. The 6th dimension is above the astral dimension (the 5th). Mathematics represents a permanent (Universal) condition of analysis using mathematics/calculations through representation. Math represents the ultimate architectural tool of the cosmos. Above math (after knowledge of it) there is choice. Math and the Mental plane (Mental dimension)- above the mental planet math is a assumed reality (i.e. you know it) and below that plane abstracted construct which you as a being are in the process of discovering or exploring on a basic level. (There is a certain existence of a "higher math" beyond what we will know about math at that barrier described as "the 7th dimension").
Function Dimensions vs. Spiritual Dimensions (Hypothesis) - When dealing with levels of dimensions the basic level is functional dimensions and the knowledge of a dimensions when complete is considered a spiritual dimension. Math deals with functional dimensions.
God - a word that for all intents and purposes means "power", and hence is meaningless when used in any other context. Further deriving the word God reveals that specifically it seems to imply "will to power" as its modus operandi, which is highly ironic given the atheist philosopher Nietzsche's contentions concerning the subject. The word God if falsely associated with Love and Good, which are two separate words that have different meanings and associations. Good is associated with the word conscience. Love with the words devotion and affection.
(Yet good and love are mysteries to the lesser mind and ego.)
False Association - The great error of thought is falsely associating one idea with another and implying connections that do not exist. False association through force creates resistance and polarizes energy into focus (focus is driven through the ego by external amplification). Through this process the mind evolves reasoning and comprehension of ideology, which is the basis of proper association and conception.
False associations are broken through the application of reason, inquiry, and self reflection. The primary countervailing force when attempting to change someone's mind by disturbing their senses with well developed ideas is referred to as mood.
(Energy must be considered one, as a sea of energy exists. Within the sea are islands of feeling reaching out to know themselves.
Mind must be considered one, as a sea of mind exists. Within this sea are islands of thought, seeking more to know themselves.)
(Beyond words, however, exists the ever changing sea of moods that is the primal abode of the ego and its irrational tide of shadow and deception. And yet it is in this sea that we find the urge to exist and grow, the ultimate driving force of our desire to continue and develop.)
Mood (part of a body of work)- Moods are irrational elements of emotional change which must be dealt with. According to current societal thinking only positive moods should be allowed and being "moody" is not considered a good or desirable thing. This is proven by the official reaction to moods in the label "mood disorder", as if such a thing was even possible. Nonetheless, the official position is what it is, so it is necessary to define moods and their place as well as to find a solution to improving mood in general through specific actions meant to improve health, lifestyle, and mental organization.
2 word symbolic "moniker" of experiences - experiences can often be boiled down to two word descriptions. For instance, absolute laziness, is a description of a mood. I have found these two word descriptions codify the energy of individual experiences very thoroughly so that by naming them there is often a clearing of the energy in question as we have identified the "resonance" of the experience. The names can be adjective followed by noun or verb or two verbs such as afraid and stupid. The duality implied in these observations strongly reinforces other dualistic tendencies in experiencial consciousness. The idea of one observer and one experiencer in each person offers a potential reason for why experiences are frameworked by duality. This duality may also explain the difficulty in being able to isolate and identify a particular mood or experience.
These two word experiences could be called moods. (Other types of two word experiences might be referred to as Modes, or modalities of psychological operation.) Moods are in response to something that is happening, a reaction to environmental vibration, or to something that has happened that is ingrained in the neurological system and within the person's psyche as well.
(Traditionally a mood has not been considered related to what is happening right now, and if so, only weakly related. The mood is considered a problem of the individual experiencing that mood, rather than the problem of the person who may have taken actions that caused this.
This analytical approach could be considered "blaming the victim" and comes from some degree of indifference to the consequences of actions. It is a highly masculine approach and tends to stack abuse on the person resisting the directive of male based command, and in some cases, control.)
Mood - A mood is a form of energy that exists that can be utilized to create change or drive new psychological and spiritual processes to order elemental vibrations into harmonious patterns of divine meaning. Moods transform thought into action through force.
(Moods, however, cannot be considered elements of proper personality, but rather, energy and force derived from unacknowledged needs and desires.)
Moods cannot be considered rational but rather intentionally logical in their unwinding of preexisting decisions in consciousness. Moods cannot be controlled because they are derived naturally from pure will and desire. Moods, however, can be experienced without action upon their intended directive, and thus dissipated harmlessly through nonresistant acceptance and openness.
Moods mask reality and yet are derived from real experiences. Moods derive from the "dream consciousness" state of the brain. They conceal truth, but reveal aspects of negativity. The negation of a plan will cause a bad mood in people. This is natural and expected as we are not taught to work in harmony with others and the natural cycle of the universe. We must learn this collectively and individually until society is corrected collectively so that individual negative moods are sorted and prioritized by individuals within their own personal space.
Collective Mood - Moods are non personal in that they are corresponded by interaction with others. Individuals are capable of harnessing mood as an energy source to drive collective change.
A collective mood is in need of an individual answer.
The Psychology of Meaning - All thought is constructed through psychological mechanisms. Meaning is the phenomenal "manifestation" of ideological realization through self conscious reasoning and thought formation. Meaning is derived from thought through experience, specifically direct personal experience.
Process Oriented - Focusing on process instead of end results. Many layers of meaning in the concept.
Outcome Oriented - Focused on end result instead of the process.
Solution Based Output - Production that is focused on creating solutions.
Demand Based Output - Production that is focused on satisfying consumption.
Specific Choices in Unconscious Selection - When you make a choice in your unconscious mind between two priorities, you focus your will into form. This allows creation to operate without resistance.
Pitfalls of Superstition - Superstition is derived from false association and unsound reasoning.
Irrationality Vs. Rationality -
Inductive Reasoning - Reasoning that goes from specific to general.
Deductive Reasoning - Reasoning that goes from general to specific.
Tragedy (part of a body of work) - What's there to say, some experiences are just plain unpleasant. Tragedy is one step above drama as it ends drama. 6th dimensional and defines spiritual experience.
Drama - 5th dimensional. Drama deals with political conflict. The personal is the political.
Comedy (part of a body of work) - What are you laughing at?
Types of Comedy
1. Exaggeration - It was ttthhhhhiiiiiissssss BIG.
2. Irony - They got what was coming to them..hehe.
3. Sarcasm - Please, no one uses sarcasm anymore.
4. Situational - So two germs walk into a health clinic..
5. Attitude - You lookin' at me?
Pleasure and Pleasure Processing - Without pleasure, life would not be living. Yet how many people are so trained to deny all pleasure that they don't get very much at all? Without pleasure, life becomes an endless drama to deny the self at the expense of the moment. Those who give up on their dreams cannot be expected to take pleasure in anything. As a result, addiction takes the place of pleasure and becomes a self destructive cycle of consumption, followed by cohesion with collective groups that reinforce the norms associated with denying pleasure.
Pleasure is so despised by society because society believes the pleasure comes at the expense of someone else. This is distortion of the real experience that pleasure brings. Pleasure is rejected as a positive element of a mature, nurturing society because pleasure is continually misrepresented through false association with negative modes of pleasure. This sort of reverse psychology that distorts values and robs the meaning from concepts is confirmed by society's hostility towards the word pleasure. The misconceptions of what pleasure is creates projections of negative association with violence, abuse, and other forms of oppression. Society projects these on the word pleasure by associating pleasure with bad, naughty, negative, and perverted imagery. Even when these associations are denied, the human experience leaves those pretending holiness in this regard as hypocrites who are uncomfortable with the truth regarding pleasure.
While we have all been given a rather poor education concerning the subject in a sexually and morally repressed society, most people associate pleasure with one form of repression or the other. The first form of impression is exaggerated overcompensation through excess consumption of any particular pleasure creating element that we experience and enjoy. The 2nd is outright rejection of pleasure leading to political and social oppression of behaviors and associated irrational judgments, laws, fears, phobias, and, of course, false, often paranoid, associations. This occurs from everything from health, to sex, to thoughts, and even to political associations. The truth is neither so called "liberals" or so called "conservatives" are really comfortable with a discussion on pleasure in private. In public and in general, "liberals" pretend to be obsessed with pleasure, and "conservatives" pretend to be revolted by it. Both modes of communication are forms of hypocrisy, because neither is honest about the subject within the context of a true understanding. Even American humor gives away the confusion, degradation, and pain associated with repression, abuse, and control of pleasure and all its attributes.
Why control pleasure? Why control people? These questions go to the heart of who we are and what it is that makes us happy. Pleasure is considered dangerous, not because it feels good, but because of the consequences it has to those in power. People who only did what they found pleasurable could not be forced to go out and work till they die, or fight for a cause that gave them no pleasant benefits. It is, in fact, irrational for them to do so. So to prevent people from doing what comes naturally, those in power, who rarely understand anything about pleasure themselves, decided to associate pleasure with pain to make people conform to standards that benefited the rulers through increasing their control over the population. These standards distort our perceptions of pleasure and allow our minds to be misled easily to think that what is contrary to our best interests is in fact what is in our best interests.
Because pleasure is rejected in this mode of consciousness, everything associated with pleasure, especially women, has to be degraded and humiliated in order to force conformity to the plans of those who employ means of control to dominate and direct resources to their personal pet projects whatever those may be. Because of this control process, the processes of pleasure has become locked up in the unconscious basin of society where they are associated, through propaganda, with negatives such as shame. Yet shame, itself, being so pleasurable, has to be hidden by another layer of negativity such as fear to keep the mind from going there. Fear than has to be repressed under a mask of evil and violence to repress it too. Then one must layer lies on top of fear and violence to throw the people off the scent of their own conscience. So thus the light becomes dark, and the dark light. The result is, after much social miseducation, psychopathic individuals incapable of feeling, thinking, or knowing what even what they are. And from what institution has all this repression been chiefly propagated over the course of history? Religion, of course.
(The Mob of Societal Redirection - People reinforce their negative tendencies by seeking out others who represent the worst in themselves. This process slows spiritual growth by continuing bad behavior that is reinforced by group hazing. By reinforcing bad patterns, people avoid spiritual growth through self aggrandizing ego experiences that validate their want to be worshiped and adored. This want to be wanted is rooted in the desire to receive attention and acknowledgment for who they believe they are, and who they want to be based on their values as individuals. These values are formed by what they associate good with, or what they think is better or best.
Often these values are based on want, or lack, or perception of lack. This need to fill a space in the soul with pleasure and experience, is perfectly natural. But the only experience that is worth keeping is one that leaves one fulfilled, not one that ultimately leaves one empty wishing they had something more. )
Thesis - The core of any non- fiction book. What are you trying to prove or teach?
Being Financially Free - Entails a different attitude toward producing products for customers to continue your business. To be financially free, you have to have a steady income. And a relatively steady expanding income as well. To have a continuous stream of sales of your products. The product selling is the core activity in small business activity. This means promotion and sales driven focus. The sales driven process is based on several ideas..
You must be able to sell your product. You must fight upstream like a Salmon to get where you need to get in terms of financial results and that requires a great deal of energy, effort, dedication, and salesmanship. Depending on what business you are in the degree of salesmanship will vary. Depending on the amount of money you have and whether you can hire someone else to do some of that salesmanship is based on your conditions. But to be financially free, you have to have the income coming in and you have to have some free time. That is the real measure of financial freedom. If you have free time to do what you love and you still have enough money to cover your basic expenses, then you are basically financially free.
Creating Opportunity - Opportunity must be created. What is opportunity? The possibility of accomplishing something. The possibility of making changes. The possibility of moving forward. The possibility of gaining something. But this possibility is not just a probability but something that can be converted into an opportunity to build relationships and security.
Security - A sense of well being that is based on money, relationships, status, and support. A feminine view of success that provides a place of nurturing for creating supportive environments for life, love, and happiness.
While ambition has its place, security is what has been shortchanged to pursue ambition in our current patriarchal paradigm. Collective security with women as the center of new evolving social networks of spiritual, mental, and material support is the new bifocal paradigm where men and women treat each other with respect working toward common goals to protect families.
Ego Contained Karmic Processing -
Karmic Shield - Applying another as an agent of karmic transformation through conscious manipulation of their negative tendencies for the purpose of evolving their energy into a higher modality of self expression.
Distillation - To boil something down to its raw essential elements. In thought, to concentrate on a thought or idea until we get its essential message.
Relevant - What makes someone relevant? Why is being relevant so important? Without relevance, no one pays attention. What makes you relevant to someone else is based on what you can do for them. If you have nothing to offer, then you are irrelevant.
Ambition - What drives you to succeed or make an effort that impresses others.
(Personally I have a strong desire to impress others with my abilities and prowess. Once I have that I am satisfied.)
Success is built on impression and delivering impressions properly to others. Without this ability, others will not accept what you are saying. Ambition is built on the need to deliver the goods clearly. Once others trust you to do your best for the organization, then everything will work well.
Ambition requires sacrifices. Sacrifices come in the form of tradeoffs, emotional weight, responsibility, hard work, and taking risk. Without these sacrifices, it is not possible to become established and maintain credibility.
Survival and Survivalism - Individual survivalism and collective survivalism is a mechanism through which the ideology of personal self aggrandizement is expressed in collective social relationships and through collective ideological propagation of false identification to group collective identity in consciousness. This process of collective identification for survival and security is called racism or tribalism. Survival in an individualized state of conflict with others or conflict between one group and another is created by cultural norms of behavior that are taught and reinforced through personal psychological experiences.
Survivalism as a collective expression weakens groups and causes loss of group coherence over long term exposure to high levels of collective stress. Survivalism as an individual expression weakens long term individual ability to resist collective demands. Survivalism is based on a theory of lack and an experience of lack that is reinforced by culture. These concepts are hard coded into an individual's psychological make-up, specifically through the parents and early life conditioning. This childhood conditioning causes a weakening of reasoning ability in those exposed to excessive dogma concerning survivalism and struggle. In many instances instead of seeing opportunities the individual begins to see exposure and potential negatives where few or none exist. Such caution is good practice in moderation to determine the best rational outcome of life situations, but extreme survivalism must be dealt with at the root in order to truly develop a positive personality grounded in reality and capable of forming lasting relationships with other nurturing individuals.
In group dynamics, when in tribal and social situations, beings naturally form associations with others and attempt to fit into the social order. Negative survivalism twists these group dynamics into hostile interactions through power struggles over individual and collective resources. This is often due to the lack of an effective collective strategy and education concerning the nature of work, resources, and wealth. Because society poorly allocates collective resources, including human labor, individuals are forced to form alliances based on survival necessity rather than cooperating. This negative dynamic is caused by fear, hate, pain and other negative experiences amplified by false associations in the mind, which tends to solve problems using blanket solutions as a base extension of logic rather than utilizing reason and critical thinking. This is the primary cause of racist ideology, which is not based on reason or critical thinking but cold logic rooted in negative experiences which are then used to justify blanket condemnation of groups (prejudice) rather than dialogue and negotiated outcomes.
Without the will to negotiate, weak willed individuals will pool "collective karma" into negative ritualized abuse against out groups causing further concentration of identification to existing groups through polarization. The survival dynamic thus encourages racism as a means of collective survival, but in fact achieves the opposite outcome through oppression, war, and destruction. Both groups are damaged, and group coherence is weakened due to oppression of nurturing. Eventually, the operation of negative dynamics will destroy the groups in question. Even if one succeeds in overcoming the other, another "enemy" must be found to replace the first. During the course of the conflict time, energy, and talent are wasted on both sides. Other more civilized groups then have an advantage over the two conflicting to advance and develop. Survivalism thus costs individuals and collectives opportunities to create collective wealth through cooperative spiritual and industrial development. In addition, it wastes lives creating gaps in social order and decreasing long term productivity through extended downtimes necessary to heal old wounds and nurture new social relationships to replace old ones.
Symbolic group associations that are based on negative self image through idolization of violent norms of behavior must be eradicated if the group in question is to reinvent itself in order to survive, ironically. Negative modes of behavior are never good for long term survival. Negative modes of behavior are not natural, they are ingrained and must be ritualized and taught. Violence, control, and oppression offer no long term or short term benefits. They only appear to offer benefits at the expense of real understanding, Love, and knowledge. A group that wishes to survive must purge its identity of negative and destructive idols. Such a group must de-idolize violence and hostility in order to continue existing. If it fails to do so, then new identities are typically created within the group to diverge consciousness and allow those who choose nonviolence a right to develop independently.
Survival is best guaranteed through developing long term relationships and forming personal associations with friends and supporters that are real. Real friends become family. Family supports family. Families together form a community. Communities together form a nation. Nations together create peace. This is the essence of collective cooperation, which will become the new norm as soon as 20 years from now, perhaps sooner.
(Violent societies have ritualized religious bureaucracies that maintain their own power at the expense of society.)
Desire for Security - The desire for security is the primary drive for survival. Survival is equated with security, even though survival for its own sake becomes a nightmare, just as security for its own sake becomes a prison. Life is not meant to be lived for the self, it is meant to be lived for the whole, which, of course, includes worthy others. And yet the unworthy have their place into in the grand scheme of things. Security cannot be found outside the self and cannot be found through the self, but only within through knowledge. Knowledge is gained through experience, and hence, develops naturally until the individual has become the solution to the problem of security. Others must wait for the temporary solution created by collective security arrangements. But without individuals discovering the source of divine security, no single individual without a group in this truth would be able to feel secure anywhere or at any time. The answer is entirely within with regards to this possibility. Many have discovered it and become the anchors around which real communities are built.
The insecurity which drives the search for security in a world that has painfully little of it is caused by a collective insecurity derived from a process of karmic expansion. Karma, itself, does not create negative outcomes, but negative outcomes (negative karma) in the past create real negative experiences in the present. Two stream of karma exist. The first, primary karma, relates to experiences in the past through past lives that link to the present. The second is called the collective karma, which is karma inherited in this world through family, society, and the world in general. Both streams of karma are linked in the present through synergy and revealed through synchronicity (revelation). Karmic linkages from past lives are woven into the collective karma of inherited social and spiritual conditions from parents and society. These are hooked to the wheelwork of the universe through planetary energies identified through astrology and the higher synchronization of the cosmic machine and computer.
What happens in one's life corresponds to past lives at certain moments. During these windows, patterns are repeated as before. The individual right to choose begins when these windows have past fully. This takes time, and the means of transformation varies from individual to individual. Full recollection of past karma and its association with present events is not necessary in all cases, but is necessary eventually as a means of exposing the individual to the nature of the soul over the course of time. This spiritual understanding broadens and deepens their full understanding of the relation of previous existences to present desire and intentions. Ultimately, these processes also point to the most likely vehicle for expression in this life and in future lives. This allows the person, especially one with great desire, to channel desire into formation in future lives where this one offers no possibility of developing all of one's desires. Thus fulfillment is guaranteed over a long period of time and the individual develops patience as a consequence of knowing the timescale for full realization of ambition. Once free, the individual is able to live their lives as they originally planned before they descended into matter and become who they are.
Karmic Expansion - Desire expands through ego. Karma is the consequences of desire. Desire creates karma, and thus is the root of karma. The purpose of desire is to open the soul. Without desire, the soul would not exist. Without the soul, the spirit would not be born. Thus desire is the root of life and the reason for our need. We despise our needs because we have forgotten that we are capable of filling those needs just by knowing and asking. By being there and giving, we fulfill the need of others, and thus are fulfilled ourselves. And yet, others must give back too. Giving and receiving is a full circle. This is the nature of karma. Karma is giving and karma is receiving. What you give, you receive. What you receive belongs to you. If you have received darkness, become darkness. And in that darkness, you will discover who and what you are. If you know darkness, you do not need to fear darkness. If you know light, then you must be mistaken. Light is infinite, and you are just a speck. Yet even the speck may fly to eternity. Life is an ocean filled with dreams that never end. Know that those are your dreams and be free. Go forth and create. This is your destiny.
(Fear no karma, for behind karma is just the infinite ocean of dreams dreaming you.?)
Mass Trigger Effect (Part of Another Book) - Linking systems together in a chain through a common denominator process one can create a shockwave of effect through consciousness.
Commanding Ground and Visibility (Part of Another Book)- Fame and position in consciousness give an actor a commanding ground where one can take command of an energy directed against the individual actor or against the group in general. This concentrates energy and consciousness in order to facilitate collective healing on a grand scale, but also is capable of strengthening bonds and reinforcing hierarchical chains of order through self identified meaning.
Decontamination and Purification (Part of Another Book) - purifies the energy of the person or group in question through integration and evaporation of residual resistance by reenergizing linkages and defining roles and responsibilities.
Misdirection and Baiting (Part of Another Book) - is a tactic used to direct a potential opponents energies in the wrong direction. This works best if the opponent does not know you are working against him or her.
Identity (The Ego and Mask) in Psychology (part of a body of work)
Psychology, Parapsychology, and Metaphysics(part of a body of work)
Parapsychology is closely related to metaphysics. Metaphysics is the formal exploration of parapsychology through a systemic philosophical or scientific approach with the intention of expanding the framework of knowledge contained within the metaphysical paradigm of the self which derives its empirical evidence through the full psychological exploration experience of the senses and mind of the individual interacting with their total environment without bias. In this respect Metaphysics represents an expansion of the conscious mind through definition and redefinition of boundaries within the context of reality as we know it. Metaphysics is fundamentally a mental exploration. Parapsychology is an extension of psychology and is fundamentally about gathering evidence which must ultimately lead to particular metaphysical conclusions.
Mysticism complements Metaphysics in that it is a physical and engaged exploration of parapsychological experiences with or without the formal construction of Metaphysical categories in the mind. Mysticism is fundamentally feminine, non-mental, and open. Metaphysics is closed, mental, and masculine. Both Metaphysics and Mysticism explore the same general phenomenon in different ways. Each element is necessary to fully grasp and expand our consciousness of parapsychology in order to draw a clear and scientific understanding of the boundaries of who we are, and of course, what lies beyond the comfortable boundaries of our ego. Both elements are also necessary to truly understand what defines our human condition. Neither a purely rational, scientific approach nor a purely intuitive, accepting approach will by themselves deliver the answers. Yet, together, these two elements of spiritual science and exploration create the solution that neither one alone could possibility achieve.
The idea is the create a dynamic process of learning that is beyond the formal Metaphysics of yesterday in order to create a new and more thorough formal school of Metaphysics. In the Mystical realm, it is to advance new means of mystical expression that assist in personal transformation and assist in healing in ways that the current paradigm does not offer because it too has become rigid and heartless.
Parapsychology is the formal western scientific definition of all areas of human consciousness that have not been classified and identified clearly through rational definition. The human spirit, again, sits as a bridge between the two realms as anyone who has performed enough vision quests can attest. At the boundary of who we are lies the many definitions of human spirituality that hold us back and keep us from attaining a higher state of grounded spiritual realism and allow us to truly express our spiritual selves. Spirituality is not about definitions or boundaries. Yet, how we define ourselves must incorporate the truth of our separateness in spirit. This how we exist. Yet our souls can still be one and whole.
Analytical Framework Language (part of a body of work) - used to define analytical terms.
Language (part of a body of work) - Language is used to define conditions and states in the mind and to define objects and properties in the world. But the application of language is to issue commands to the unconscious and command yourself and others to do what is necessary to be done. Language is magic in its ability to change minds, get work done, and make others believe.
Applied Linguistics -
Definition - The boundaries of some thing by which we know its nature potentially. In mental practice, definition is not exact, but in reality definition is determined by nature, and so precise to an order of perfection. A definition defines the dimensions of words through consensus in mental practice.
Applied Definition - as opposed to consensus definition as found in dictionaries. Applied definition is superior in knowledge to consensus definition because applied definition is definition by animation or the state of nature whereas consensus definition is definition by convenience or group-think.
Definition by Negation - part of applied definition which is practical based upon defining processes and elements of thought through negations. An example is an object has no monetizable value within a real world context if the market based valuation is ignored. This system of thought is very useful in argument where clear definitions are debated in order to establish the ground of consideration for subjects.
System -
Demand Chain - In systems analysis a demand chain is the demands placed on individual elements from other elements. In economic analysis this is relevant when considering the point of a system collapse, and when one will happen. Demands placed on individuals from other individuals and the systems can trace out a map of necessary interactions that maintain the dynamics of a system.
Purpose of Money in Use Currently - Analyze - To control people and their labor. People are willing to work for money, people who control and print money (banks) can control labor. Banks, however, do not directly attempt to control labor to use labor to create an end product, but instead lend out their money to other individuals who actually control the labor indirectly to create products and solutions. This is not beneficial to people.
Two corporations thus exist, financial corporations and corporations who actually at least create something in the economy through production.
Because money is used as a mean of control, because it is not backed in any shape or form (fiat money).?
Market Based Systemology cannot be totally eliminated from any system. The market is however, limited in what it can accomplish even in terms of valuation. It cannot take into account all the other elements of production or creation. It does not take into account the mechanics, operations, engineering, or science of any particular production process. The production system is based on science and engineering. Everything you see in a factory that works continually is a mechanical process with energy and material inputs with machines or people building things which come out as end products. Strip away the monetary elements and what you have left is the process. The energy and material flow of products and resources as they are processed and outputed to end results and products which in our current system is then placed on the market for monetary instruments which are used as resources to purchase additional energy, material, or labor/time resources.
Problems with the market include gluts, shortages, highest bidder gets the goods, etc. The supply of the moment and the "demand" of the moment is what determines the price. Here we find market issues and market problems including corruption. The monetary valuation is what is being considered and the sellers are only instructed in monetary value and the power of gaining monetary instruments solely.
Applied Valuation - Value and wealth are not the same as money. Monetization must be considered on one level to be a distortion of value.
Elements of Economics- Cost, Analysis, Demand, Supply, Resource, Production, Allocation
Growth - Expansion is automatic. Yet expansion alone is not growth. Growth occurs through synergy of fields which are layers in consciousness. Layers evolve through pressure which is induced through expansion. See McCutcheon's Expansion Theory for a partial explanation of how this works in the physical universe through physics.
Monetization - An attempt to define value based solely on money. We require a framework for monetization in order for monetization to be valid and useful in some way. This approach is used in market based economic analysis but not realistic in terms of the mechanization of economic process as an abstract of the real world transaction of value or energy.
Monetization allows people to see what the true costs of something are in terms that they use in their day to day lives and can understand. The monetization process would be based on estimates of value that could be measured using a baseline such as currency or other attempt at quantification of value that ideally should be holistic and integrated in a complete picture. Using this process we must create a complete economic map of the flow of goods, services, labor, energy, material, and loyalty.
Is it possible to monetize everything? We need a way to calculate actual wealth, progress, and loss that allows us to understand our economic effect so that we make the most efficient and intelligent decisions possible for long term social and personal gain. This is where we enter into the sphere of philosophy, psychology, and intellectual reasoning.
An example of non-monetized valuation of wealth that is still statistically valid: The energy production argument can be used to establish justification for renewable energy using energy and energy production as the basic form of cost analysis. Yet costs and losses must be assigned to environmental destruction caused by fossil fuel use in real terms as well to add to the argument. For instance, soil valuation must be included in long term monetization and cost analysis as well. What about the value of rainforest preservation? Here value and wealth, again, must be defined in a way that people can understand what is being lost. And this process must be scientific and statistically valid through pure analytical methodology.
Monetization of outcomes is irrational.
It is implausible that security can be monetized.
The Human Element negates absolute monetization.
The most effective means of monetization is not market based. The cost of what you sell something is not necessarily the correct means of determining its monetary value.
Not all costs can be monetized, the monetization of cost is the primary means through which we determine how much something is going to cost in terms of sacrifice.
Not all opportunity costs can be monetized.
Monetization is philosophically invalid as a primary means of proper valuation.
Experiences are not plausibly monetizable.
It is also not spiritually valid, even thought it still serves a purpose. Monetization is an assumed understanding of value. The value of currency based instruments (fiat money) is in constant flux and the uncertainty of determining the true long term value creates an instability to market based approaches (inflation/deflation). This is well demonstrated historically with both inflation and deflation where people's actions began to reinforce the pattern. For instance, during the Great Depression people deferred their purchases when the prices of goods began to drop based on monetary decisions because of deflation. Thus deflation was reinforced through this pattern. People deferred purchases in order to get a better deal on price, which exacerbated an already weakened economy of production.
(Buying and selling in a market based approach.)
People take loans to create a factory to produce widgets. All the business purchases are based on monetary gain. If the businesses fail early, however, all the material, energy, and labor that created these mechanisms is wasted. Banks then fail. The equipment and buildings may or may not be useful in the event of a bankruptcy caused by a failure of demand. Because risk is not properly assessed in creating businesses, both banks and lenders are poorly served in market based production. Waste, thus, is the bi-product of a poor understanding of how to create wealth long term.
(Waste is not represented in monetary value. Non-essential economic activity is favored in our current system because the end products are designed to hide fundamental economic reason.)
The value of money is primarily attached to labor as it is used currently.
Base Price - This is the base that we use to establish market values in our economy. We currently use fiat currencies, which in the U.S. means the U.S. dollar. Other possible base valuations that can be analyzed with a scientific and statistical method include time and energy.
Applied Analysis - Analysis is applied when making decisions. When used it academics, it is not applied, but instead supports further development of investigative methods of inquiry or developing skills required to critically evaluate real world scenarios.
Market Based Economic Analysis - Market based economic analysis is based on supply and demand of money vs. goods and services. Market based economic analysis is one form of monetization. Market based economic analysis is a very poor ground for economic analysis in the long run, and in addition is not good at establishing value. Market based economic analysis lacks the ability to analyze economic decisions taken outside the context of personal/individual monetary gain. As such, it has no use in developmental production and output.
The purpose of the market is to monetize exchange. However, monetization is inherently inefficient in that value must be lost in order to monetize any particular economic activity or process.
Quality control of the market as opposed to competition. The market controls quality by eliminating bad production through choice naturally.
Monetary Analysis - How much money can I get by making this or that and selling it at market rate. The current way we practice economics. Loans create inefficiencies because production is not typically based on evidence of "demand". Risk is taken by the banker and the borrower.
Cost of Production - Money in our current system is the base. But actually energy, labor-time, and material are the three elements of production. This is all currently monetized.
(At the base of the economy you find that material becomes irrelevant because energy and labor-time are the essential base economic resources in the absence of machines. We can refine this to calculate costs in terms of energy if we just see labor as extracted food energy that is utilized to move and create.)
Evidence Based Demand - Establishing estimates of true demand requires thorough consumer and business surveys. Potential purchases must be considered based on knowledge of actual desire as everything else is a guessing game.
Value Based Economic Analysis - (Beginning with a process of definition by negation, value based economic analysis goes to the root of productivity and progress.) Value based economic analysis is called power structure of economic decisions or government (as we currently define it). Value, being subjective, is decided upon collectively by individuals, though at times autocratic governments have made these decisions costly for the people to exercise. This field goes into politics, psychology, sociology, and fields outside of traditional orthodox economic analysis. Value based economic analysis is irrelevant to production but is relevant to the processes that determined the allocation of resources to production or consumption.
Valuation - From the position of Core Analysis: The value of any thing can be immediately assumed to be zero. It cannot be determined by the market. It cannot be determined by what you spend to create it. It cannot be determined based on the labor rate, time, or energy used to create it. Valuation is in contradiction and is simultaneously an aspect of usage.
The Economics of Psychology of Possession and Use- Once one has possession of something it's monetary value is 0. See Usage.
Valuation cannot be conserved.
All valuation is derived through psychological nature.
Energy Based Cost Analysis - In energy based cost analysis the cost of something is determined by how much energy is used to create it in through production. This leads to production analysis of which energy based cost analysis is only one element.
(???Material Based Valuation - Using an commodity such as Gold or Silver to determine value. In material valuation you get some really strange economic thoughts. How much silver, for instance, does it take to move 100 tractors across 100 miles? The calculation is totally useless unless you can trade silver for labor in the absence of machines. Silver cannot be converted to energy. Material transaction is generally very ineffective compared to energy transaction in an industrial economy. It is a leftover from more economically and psychologically primitive times.
A gold standard is essentially meaningless if it does not create a new industrial revolution based on renewable green energy.
Materials, of course, are still needed to make anything. Energy is what we use to get materials. Energy, thus, is more economically fundamental than commodity (other than energy commodities obviously). )
Fundamental Valuation - Valuation is not fundamental to the application of production. Value thus cannot be considered to be remotely fundamental. It is subjective and psychological.
Quantification of Value - Value cannot be quantified.
Qualification of Value - Value is experiencial and is not subject to production analysis except for psychological and metaphysical investigations.
Core Valuation - How is this thing used and to what effect?
Core valuation determines what something is worth based upon negating its cost and considering its use only. Core valuation derives the true value of something through negating all of the elements of personal valuation in order to understand the true operation value of any particular element, object, thought, idea, form, or substance (etc) that exists in the real world. Core valuation is close to philosophical, but at the same time it is the root of pragmatic value.
Core Analysis - How does this thing work in relation to the system? Reality from an engineer's point of view.
Fundamental Analysis - We consider the question of whether something is actually necessary. This is conservation. Conservation preserves capital and other resources for priority purposes. This is what actually establishes long term highest end production in terms of the correct choice. Conservation and savings and applied resource production which is an element of central planning.
(Central planning is used in all organizations including corporations and government even today. Planning is simply required, and planning is always done centrally by a board, group, or individual. Propaganda against central planning is perpetrated by others who have an interest in maintaining control who themselves are very likely to be central planners.)
Cost - What are you giving up to get the thing?
Risk - What are the potential negative side effects of continuing a course of action? Analyze them to find out what the danger is and to assign a cost to the behavior.
Energy Cost Analysis - A process of finding out how much energy is used to create something.
Material Cost Analysis - How much and what type of material is needed to create something. In material cost analysis we extract the function of monetary valuation of materials to determine the actual resource base of a particular material. Supply and allocation is the issue at that point.
Opportunity Cost -
What does something really cost? Every choice made requires a tradeoff and the way we value this tradeoff is what economists refer to as opportunity costs or the cost of lost opportunities. Opportunity cost is actually very difficult to calculate precisely. (Opportunity cost deals with the mechanics of flux (?)).
Opportunities must be analyzed through a clear and scientific analytical framework so you are getting clear results that increase security and well being. Some of these elements of well being are simply not monetizable.
Production lost could be considered an opportunity cost, except that in fundamental analysis the consideration is not production lost, or missed opportunity to produce something, but rather, the question of necessity is asked in fundamental demand as opposed to monetary demand.
Economics of Individualization (with regard to value) - Market driven economics is individualized and driven by individualization and the pattern of individualization. Here the individual takes center stage of economic activity.
The best long term outcome is not based on individualization, but on collective outcomes.
There is in addition, an extreme pettiness to individualization.
Cost of Individualization - Related to risk. When individuals assume the risk for collective choices, there is a cost associated with that. There is a collective social cost to individualization. When risks are assumed by the individual instead of risks being assumed by society, there is a secondary distortion of highest productive output. People who are not secure do not have the highest productive output.
One example is healthcare. Without universal healthcare, there is an effect on production. There is a loss of productivity caused by the stress which is created by the lack of Universal Healthcare. This create a decline in well being in general. Here the system is literally destroying its own wealth in the form of the workers themselves. People who feel better, work better.
Demand - Demand will never end. Demand is constant. Economic Demand is based on the money supply and the velocity of money. The other element of demand, Psychological Demand, is the laymen definition of demand consisting of desire for stuff (tangibles) and services (intangibles). Best demonstrated to aloof intellectuals with the real world example of giving away something for free as a demonstration of demand. How much demand is there for free stuff? Way more than you would believe if economic demand was the only form of demand. Is that psychological demand important in economics? Yes, absolutely.
(One reason is that the economic analysis of risk must take into account psychological factors that cannot be monetized. Think of insurance. A much more important reason is that economics are effected by activity which is not economical.)
The question of necessity is asked in Fundamental Demand. People need what they need. At the base, this is food, water, clothing, and shelter. These demands are fundamental to their needs to exist and be creative at a basic level. At this point we then may ask the question of what needs to be produced to meet fundamental demand.
Supply - The goods.
Usage is a prerequisite for operations so that value cannot be based on use as value is subjective to analytical constructs within the concept of mechanics in real time environmental (meaning physical reality) operations. Usage is assumed. Demand based and consumer economics are based on usage. Production based economics are based on development and planning.
Usage cannot be monetized because usage is an unknown and is implied. Usage represents the edge of economic activity and the reality of day to day living takes over.
The Individualized Practical Purpose of Money - The purpose of money is to control people's possessions and labor so as to get them to do what the possessors of money desire.
Mechanized Economics - Viewing an economy, including people, as elements of a system which is understand through a framework. Types of frameworks:
Economic Comments -
We find that currently the shortage of jobs is not necessarily a shortage of fundamental demand, but a shortage of monetary demand. The demand for food or clothing remains the same. People will find a way to get food or clothing one way or another though.
We do not consider monetization as the highest measure of wealth. Still, we require quantification of value on some level in order to have systemic thinking which is required to develop any process of production or organize any society or group of people. Quantification allows us to determine the best outcome given all the information that we have. Qualitative analysis is a different area.
Monetization and quantitative analysis is fundamental to economic activity and analysis as well as production analysis.
Quantification of resources is required. Every element of production must be based upon labor-time and energy. These two elements are absolutely required for any creative effort even such things as art and services.
(Can you quantify any type of valuation of an object or thing that exists using labor time and energy? The answer is, interestingly, no. You can only quantify the costs of producing the thing, but you cannot quantify their value based on energy or time because core value is experience based in subjective psychological analysis. Value is subjective to the individual. Yet that subjective value cannot be determined until the end point when the thing or things has left your hand by one means or another. This is the Heisenberg Principle of economics in that you cannot know the value of something until you have finally finished using it, and you cannot know when you are finished using it until it is gone. Thus you cannot know both the value of something and what it is worth because you still getting value from an object until it leaves your possession. This is because what it is worth is based on how much you sell it for. Value is not practical. Value is not pragmatic. That is a human element. What do I get for what I get? Value is thus qualitative, and not quantitative.)
Labor-time is a pragmatic economic resource. Energy is practical economic resource.
(You must have a consumer if you are selling. Goes back to demand.)
Worth - An estimate of price if sold when referring to objects or services.
Work - Effort expended creating something. Not all work is labor.
Labor - Physical effort employed in motion or moving things.
Practical -
Pragmatic -
Flux (part of a body of work)- Changes/events per second
Step by Step Approach (part of a body of work) - A breakdown in steps of actions performed. A form of "mental mechanics" but applicable to the real world. Breaking down step by step processes until clear. Then reorganize and rememorize processes in a step by step system of operations.
Applied Analysis - Analysis applied to get work done or accomplish healing.
Types of Personal (Association) Chemistry - Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual
Polarization - An extremely important element of attraction, repulsion, and automatic association that underlies instinctive unconscious mental and emotional responses in people and even animals. Polarization defines the Psychic Mind, the cornerstone of personal sentient development in higher beings, of which humanity is the only one currently known, at least officially.
The Psychic Mind (and the Mechanics of Lower Mind and Ego) - The psychic mind is automatically polarized. It attracts both negative (the opposite) and positive (the "intended" or "one").
Example of Psychic Mind polarized processing - Divine Religion -------> Psychic Mind processes idea -------> Divine Religion
Divine - Polarized word with meaning
Religion - Non polarized word which is devoid of meaning containing the primary sense of being bored with the entire subject.
Religion is a word that is a Thought Shell which is an old thought essentially that is dying and is not longer useful to development collectively. (NOTE- This leads to the Formal Theory of Collective Transformation)
The truth polarizes the psyche to create Psychic Gravity through Psychic Magnetism.
Psychic Gravity - The differentiation of light and dark through polarization of thought in consciousness. Psychic Magnetism - The feeling of attraction created by thought when self identifies with other.
For instance, in the identification with religion, individuals become polarized to religion or against religion through psychic magnetism. They either associate religion with good or with evil in their own consciousness and are drawn to it or repelled from it accordingly.
Psychic Gravity works against psychic magnetism at times.
Identify defining statements cause polarization. As an example the statements "I am an Atheist" or "I am a Christian" are highly polarizing. Polarization occurs in the minds of others through self identification and perception of self. Psychic polarization through psychic magnetism is the element of unconscious attraction that creates group identification and sustains group ego formation.
A polarizing statement creates resistance automatically. When polarization occurs, polarization forces power struggles to the surface. Polarization is a form of power that is nearly unmatched in its ability to transform situations and people through the forces of Psychic Gravity and Psychic Magnetism.
The process of polarization in the psychic mind creates an evolution of thought and identity naturally over time in any individual who is exposed to psychic fields of awareness in any stage of perception.
Pisces is the sign associated with the psychic mind. In Pisces, the psychic mind is the primary means of immediate reactive integration with reality. For this reason, Pisces are highly drawn or repulsed in their own consciousness to elements that they automatically polarize to such as people, places, objects, ideas, feelings, etc. This is just like a fish, the symbol associated with Pisces currently. Fish automatically polarize to the school which they belong to and are automatically polarized when encountering a predator reacting instinctively in unison.
The World of Opposites (Mirror World) - the world of opposites exists in the mind. Polarization is caused by unresolved negation through loss, incompleteness, pain, failure, defeat, and other negatives. As such polarization through negation is the primary modes of polarized incineration of information through an individual's mental filter. This mode of negation defines a polarized individual as having a particular agenda or modus operandi.
(The negatives are forcibly depolarized through the projection of thought in order to reject the intensity of polarization they cause. People resist polarization through their egos. This is incidentally caused by polarization within the psyche that they are unaware of until it is attracted through situations, experience, and people that force them to properly associate their thoughts with reality both internally and externally.)
The more polarized someone is the less likely they are to accomplish their goals.
Polarization is reduced through polarization! (Charge build up)
(Examples: We reject failure which causes polarization attracting more failure!! If we accept failure and we then diagnose and correct our errors, we can move forward.
Failure is the opposite of failure.
Fail till you succeed = aggressive failure or assertive success)
(You can't undo the past so depolarize yourself by polarizing the negative feelings to you. Let polarity and the psychic mind work with you, not against you.)
(Each mask/mind type has a different means of polarization.)
Practical Mind Healing ? - Make a list of what polarized you to find where you can begin working to clear blockages by allowing associations to form naturally in your unconscious mind through your feelings and beliefs.
Mental Filter - When people put on their mental filter, polarization is blocked temporarily.
Experiences must de-fact be independent of time, as in measured time external to the experience. No logical reason exists that an experience must occur in time as we know it.
Astrology and Practical Philosophy
Values - Libra (and/or Taurus)
Desires - Scorpio (and/or Aries)
Principles - Sagittarius (With Scorpio as Informal Principles as discovered through plumbing the psyche)
Duties - Capricorn
Virtues - Aquarius
Conscience - Pisces
Decision - Aries
Pleasure - Taurus
Learning - Gemini
Grounding/Rooting - Cancer
Willing - Leo
Perfecting - Virgo
Applied Astrology
How to Properly Interpret Astrology
The function of any applied astrology is to show you how a person experiences reality. That is all that a chart can tell you.
A chart cannot tell you the future.
A chart cannot give you information on a person's decisions.
A chart cannot determine the outcome of an event.
The human being is at all times in charge of their fate.
Some types of psychic perception may enable you to know what a person is going to do, but astrology by itself does not offer that level of information. Astrology in this regard is the interpretation of signs, not the interpolation of psychic perception.
Applied Astrology Intro
Astrology is the science of studying the planets and determining how they will screw you over in your life. Though, sometimes, astrology is about knowing when to be lazy because it's a good opportunity to waste time. In any case, astrology could be said to be the scariest science. Much effort has been put into figuring all this stuff out. The reason is that astrology is uncannily accurate in describing people and events. It is so accurate in describing energies and people, that "serious scientists" and skeptics have been spooked into denouncing it for centuries as a fiction. Astrology, though, is not a fiction, and unfortunately for everyone affects the lives we live. If only you had free will. If only..
There is a bigger picture out there. The planets are part of that picture. How they affect us exactly is something that is not exactly understood, nor is a very clear "scientific" picture offered. If we boil it down to the essential argument for astrology and planetary influence we have to go by some basic physics realities. Planets are large and very close by astronomically speaking. There are geometric gravitational influences (see The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy (Second Edition)for the new theory of gravity) between the different planets/moons and between the planets/moons and the Sun. In addition, the planets are all within and occupy the Solar Magnetic Field. The planets of the Solar System all interact in real time with the Sun's field. As planets move through the Solar System, they have an effect on the Sun's magnetic field that undoubtedly causes waves of pressure in the general Solar Magnetic Field that reaches far and wide to other planets.
There is a bigger picture out there. The planets are part of that picture. How they affect us exactly is something that is not exactly understood, nor is a very clear "scientific" picture offered. If we boil it down to the essential argument for astrology and planetary influence we have to go by some basic physics realities. Planets are large and very close by astronomically speaking. There are geometric gravitational influences (see The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy (Second Edition)for the new theory of gravity) between the different planets/moons and between the planets/moons and the Sun. In addition, the planets are all within and occupy the Solar Magnetic Field. The planets of the Solar System all interact in real time with the Sun's field. As planets move through the Solar System, they have an effect on the Sun's magnetic field that undoubtedly causes waves of pressure in the general Solar Magnetic Field that reaches far and wide to other planets.
Astrologers study energies and cycles as represented by the planets and the position of the Earth.
Just because you know what energies are going to be affecting you during a particular cycle whether it is an aspect or a house transit does not mean that you have understood or experienced the lessons that the particular energy and expression have in store for your life. Life is a lesson, and one interpretation of astrological information suggests that astrology is best used to know what lesson you should expect to be learning as the planets pass through your various houses and make aspects to the natal positions in your individual birth chart. Modern astrology is nowhere near as fatalistic as medieval astrology. There is an implied progressive work load that it is generally assumed that you are dealing with during the course of your life that is both physical and karmic with progress at the core of most modern interpretations.
While modern astrology is not as fatalistic as the older interpretations, there is still a great deal of fatalism in many of its interpretations of events. Specifically, though, this varies based upon the biases and beliefs of any individual astrologer, with some promoting fixed event scenarios and focusing on the worst possible case analysis, and others taking a more scientific and open minded approach with regards to what the individual can bring to the table to solve their own problems and deal with the challenges presented.
Astrology today is fraught with errors and inconsistencies.
In order to create a higher order Astrology, it is necessary to ask how we use Astrology. The best application of Astrology that I have seen is scientific applied use of the energy of transits to the natal and progressed charts of an individual, specifically the natal chart.
While many people use birth chart astrology to get a general grasp on their character, often I have noted a fatalistic attitude in many astrologers who seem to offer no hope about difficulties in the natal chart. Not enough emphasis, in my opinion, is placed on the active element of astrological timing. Failure to point out to individuals how they can use astrology in their day to day lives is one of the reasons that astrology is not used widely other than the somewhat questionable practice of daily sun sign horoscopes.
Astrology is an extremely powerful tool to maximize your effective actions in life. For this purpose, you would need an accurate natal chart and the knowledge of transits. If action is our goal, then Mars is the critical planet you must take into account in your use of active energies to maximize end results with as little resistance as possible. In addition, to maximize the beneficial factors effecting long term action in career and work, we must look at transits in the Earth houses (the 2nd, 6th, and 10th) in the chart as well as the transits effecting their ruling planets (ruling planets vary based upon the natal chart birth time).
The reason the Earth houses are examined is that these are the houses of grounded results and creation. The 2nd house rules money/ownership, necessary for all creative actions. The 6th house rules physical work and output. The 10th house rules career. These three houses are respectively associated with Taurus, Virgo, and finally Capricorn. All real world opportunity to create something in the physical world must pass through an Earth house. Thus these represent the opportunity to create or receive the fruits of creation.
When employing this approach we must look at the transits of the benefactor planets, Jupiter and Venus through these houses as opportunities to receive money/rewards, get work done, or advance career goals. We then look at the individual positive aspects as they occur during transits to the planets ruling the three Earth houses from Jupiter and Venus before we move on to consider the other planets in the action and long term analysis.
The primary transiting aspects that represent opportunity for Jupiter and Venus are the sextile, and to a lesser extent, the conjunction. The beneficial transits for Jupiter and Venus are the conjunction, sextile, and trine. The trine is considered less action oriented merely representing a "good period" of harmony and pleasant circumstances. Conjunctions for Jupiter and Venus are very fortuitous.
The house placement of a transit determines its focus and where your energy can be concentrated to create results.
Though this is only an energy level analysis, as all astrological predictive science must be, once you have grasp for the actual details of the situations facing you, you can better position ourselves to take advantage of opportunities to advance our agenda.
Action Analysis - Mars, Mercury
Life Phase/Long Term Analysis - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Personal transit Astrology is best used effectively in money making and work to determine which areas of work to concentrate on for least blockage when you have a choice about the matter. It is used to determine likely periods when one should be prepared for certain opportunities. Astrology cannot create persona motivation in people, individual motivations are based on many factors including culture, decision, idea, value, and other elements of personality and psychological understanding.
Hard planets and hard transits
Hard planet (S,U,N,P, or Ma) - Conjunction is called Incineration
Square - Restructuring
Opposition - Blockage
Principle Uses of Astrology Applied
1. Winning through use of positive vibrations added onto psychology to increase response/reaction times.
2. Weakening opponents through use of negative suggestion.
Astrological Sun Sign Analysis
On a long term curve, the most dangerous signs power wise in the Zodiac are the obvious Scorpio, and the less obvious Pisces. Scorpio wields direct power. Pisces wields indirect power. In a confrontation between the two, the stronger of the two will depend on many factors. However, in general, a Pisces grows stronger the longer they live. The power difference between a Scorpio and a Pisces will flux in favor of the Pisces if the Scorpio presses too hard (which they often do) and if the Pisces concentrates. Scorpio must expend more energy than Pisces to get to the same place power wise. The secret of Pisces is their ability to wait out any problem as long as they engage it through mind or feeling.
New Astrological Concepts
Ceres rules Virgo. Eris rules Libra.
Astrological Intelligence Method - Using astrology to build your business and relationship contacts. With free information available on the internet, you give people free astrology readings to find out where their planets land in your houses and how they affect your natal houses. This gives them something, a free reading, and gives you intelligence in how useful they would be to getting you want you want or need. You can determine in this manner who will help or block you in the areas of, for instance, money, career, or friendship. This information can save you a considerable amount of time and energy building real contacts based on what is essentially a spiritual based intelligence. While there are limits to the application of this method, it is highly useful to those who wish to practice building good contacts that can deliver them what they need, when they need it.
Advanced Social Engineering Theory and Astrology
Astrological Society – As I consider the question of the value of astrology as a tool for human development, it cannot escape me that Astrology also offers a tool of social engineering if used as a system of placing people into place in society. The advantages of such a system are obvious if you are an astrologer. But many questions must be asked if such a system is implemented regarding the nature of astrological interpretation. A positive minded interpretation here in all cases would be preferable to one without it. Society should serve those who are the most disadvantaged. As such a sort of astrological welfare may exist in the future for those with hard and difficult charts just to make their lives easier. This, I would say, would be better than abusing those with difficult charts by telling them that they are doomed in life.
At the core of this argument though is the idea that astrology is a time tested ancient system to help people develop themselves through an ideology built on astrological thinking. However, there is a limit to how far astrological thinking can be employed as a function of human self mastery. This brings us to the opposite of an astrological society, a society based on anti-superstition.
Anti-Superstition Society - Astrology has its limits. Humans aren’t simply cut from the mold of universal consciousness through planetary energies as astrology suggest. Humans have the right and ability to choose how to relate to themselves and the universe around them. There is a certain negative element to even astrology when it comes to it being used as means to control people and tell them what they can and cannot be. This sort of control is likely to be intolerable over the long term as human beings are eventually going to revolt against the idea that supernatural forces can dictate their personalities and characters from beyond their bodies through planets, channelings, or other such mumbo jumbo. After all at some point in future human history we will be flying through space giving birth in starships presumably if we survive on our home planet long enough to do so. How, at that point, can we possibly be told that our future children will be governed by the astrology of a certain point in space far from Earth where there aren’t even planets to index using astrological tools?
As you can see, astrology, as all supernatural systems of relation, has its limits. I propose that it is useful for controlling people of a lesser consciousness or even guiding people to understand themselves so long as the model it is using does not give the person the impression that their situation is hopeless or that they are not in command of their own destiny in an ultimate way that affirms their conscious godhood as sentient beings. After all, only human evil creates nonsense like control directly, in which case you may or may not be dealing with an agent of control and establishment using their powers of mind to dominate you or perhaps an apologist for such control mindlessly repeating what he or she has heard from his or her astrological teachers. As a final elaboration, if human society is doing the repressing, and human astrologers are justifying it, then you are caught in a trap of some sort that shows you that these people are lying to you and justifying oppression through false spiritual analogy. This, I must say, is one of the most irritating facts of dealing with modern thinkers of any sort, but to find it in spiritual circles is downright frustrating and infuriating. I just don’t believe that is way astrology should be used, though karmically it may be justified to be used on you if you did it to someone else.
But the Anti-superstition paradigm is used to eliminate the abuses of power of spiritual systems when such systems fall under the forces of corruption that use false information to get you to give up your power to challenge their authority. Astrology is a great way to encourage people to think about themselves, their motivations, their aspirations as people and a good way to time doing things in a collective that believes in it, a sort of token gift to control and the fact that society still blocks us from truly being free on so many levels, but ultimately true freedom comes from overthrowing all false notions of mind control that seek to limit human expression through the internal manipulation of thought using controlling paradigms.
In order to continue society’s development, it is necessary to keep these astrological paradigms active as society is too primitive still to rise up against them fully. If an astrological paradigm was lacking, then a psychological paradigm would be necessary. But what will eventually evolve to challenge such systems are ideas that are psychological and holistic and which do not simply give up all their power to advanced occult systems such as astrology. Those systems will likely be based on advanced psychological paradigms of human development that state clearly that a human being is free of control and that a human being has the right to choose. As such astrology would still be left as a choice, but another choice would exist in other forms of belief. In this way, it is just as today, but to create a culture build on anti-superstition while staying away from the crude expressions that have come down the pike from our first experiences with this idea as a species leaves us with several major issues.
Anti-superstition does not mean atheism. It is more of something along the lines of agnosticism. An open ended admittance of what we know and don’t know as a society and especially as individuals. A society of free inquiry and free thinking would be ideal for such a concept. Instead of being tied to any one system of thinking, we would be free to consider any. But at the core would be a strong resistance to the idea that we are controlled by supernatural forces psychologically, that we have the freedom to be free of them as a psychological force, and that those who abuse their power in the name of supernatural forces be ostracized and exposed.
In this respect any supernatural system of hypnotic suggestion, such as astrology, psychics, priests, or anyone claiming some sort of special divine ability to interpret other people’s lives would be treated with skepticism and as a charlatan. Here a charlatan is something very specific, someone who claims to know what is best for you and who offers supernatural explanation as to why he or she does know what is best for you above and beyond your own ability to know for yourself. Such a sneaky nastiness is involved in this ruse that anyone deceived in this regard is likely to eventually be quite infuriated at having discovered it as being a complete con job. The embarrassment of such a situation is the realization that you have the right to decide for yourself what you will or will not do with yourself and the right to decide for yourself who and what you are to yourself. Indeed, it is most embarrassing that the charlatan did not offer this as the lesson instead of abusing his or her power and karmic position.
So, while society may dabble in various forms of command and control of the masses through astrology and psychic means, depending on how advanced that society ends up being psychologically, it will always be the call of the human race to evolve beyond such petty means of manipulation and rise upwards towards a new understanding of our responsibility to know what is best for ourselves through ourselves. This is the Aquarian Age consciousness, oddly enough, implied as its highest and most evolved perspective. Astrology, traditionally represented by Aquarius, is in my opinion the basic construct rather than the advanced one, as it doesn’t offer full freedom, the Aquarian norm most aspired to by all people of the sign of Aquarius. Now, perhaps I am being superstitious in this, but to make up for it I will tell you that in the heart of every human beats the desire to be free, and no matter what sign you are born under, it is there. That sort of means there is a little Aquarius in all of us. And that basic fact is the whole argument for the concept of holistic human psychology.
People are people. Aries don’t do all the fighting and don’t have all the anger. Libras don’t do all the negotiating. Scorpios don’t get all the sex. The reason is that human beings have the same basic motivations; it is the unconscious functions of our psyche that creates the power of the various Sun sign perspectives. Perhaps we do in fact have certain unconscious tendencies we are born with as implied by astrological perspective. This generally I believe. What I know is that we can change all of this over time. The longer we live, the more power we have over how we define ourselves. This is not limited by our sun sign, moon sign, or the sign that any planet is in. We have a choice. In the future, assuming humans survive, an average human may live thousands or tens of thousands of years. In that kind of scenario it is doubtful that traditional astrology will be very useful except as an early tool to analyze a person’s early character. This is why we must be anti-superstitious. We must assert our will to determine our own destiny when challenged by forces of control in society that demand that we adhere to supernatural dogma or other forms of psychological coercion used in bad faith as an abuse of power by authorities.
Principles of "Set/Variable Theory" (see article The New Biology for additional thoughts) or Thought Creation or Metaphysical Theory
Within the structural framework of mathematics and used in computer programming is the concept of sets or objects abstractly conceived by programmers as fields of manipulation within the computer or within the world of abstract mathematical expressions. In addition to sets are another principle more commonly used known as variables which are familiar to any student of algebra and higher math as principles such as f(x) (the function) or Y = X, two variables in a single expression. Variables must be considered to be mental abstract mathematical objects or operators within a computer program acted on by the computer.
Another important point to consider when observing variables is that within equations they contain certain simple fundamental thought operations the most important being the declaration. Within mathematical language this is represent by the equals sign (=). A definitive declaration is the basis of all fundamental communication and all fundamental creative field formation. Even the Bible begins with a fundamental declaration as its operation projection in reality by which "God" declares "let there be light" (though technically according to the laws of language this is not a definitive declaration but a commanding directive (presumably to the unconscious feminine cosmic mind to manifest)).
As we take a look at the principles of Set/Variable theory we see that math offers the simplest means of expressing complex orders of change. In practical reality this is proven within the computerized world as the complex directives of change/transformation coded into fields using various functions and classes of mathematical objects on the abstract level.
Research Science Note: Computer manipulation of variables/fields/etc is done through a layered process of change using a multilayer external process (external to the memory/projective core in the RAM). A computer changes its own memory using a set of memory layers backed by a processor that induces the changes (magnetically presumably) within the state of the memory system itself. However, the conscious agent here, a human being, is the one whose awareness enables the interpretation of the symbols and visual projections of the unconscious into mental and emotional experience.
Article on Psychospiritual Animation vs. Natural Animation of Physical Cosmic Fields
The core concept of creation within mind is the proposition that thought forms are created by declarative statements similar in fashion to writing a computer program or creating a novel/book, etc. The idea is that Gods/Archons create systems in their minds first a priori to their emergence in physical or lower dimensional manifestation. This process is most likely a long multistep process just as creating something in this lower dimension is. The idea that our universe is creatively visualized a-priori by higher multidimensional beings (Archons) and formed in such a manner is unproven, yet resonates to a certain concept of the formation of cosmic fields in general. This theory could be called pre-conception or pre-formation theory. The cornerstone of which is the idea that our cosmic field (called universe in current early 21st century language) is not accidental and formed from purely "natural" fields, but is rather a preconceived reality that is created and manufactured to produce certain outcomes.
Extended Spiritual Hypothesis (?): As an Archon(s), imagine a vision created by a psychic multidimensional being that has a much higher level of functional imagination than us (near physical levels of "realism" internal to its vision with the ability to hold space like a computer program for extended periods of time built into its psychic environment) and it pre-conceiving your existence or the existence of whole worlds, galaxies, etc. as a function of both its creative nature to create the universe and its psychic nature to preconceive beings that will be in the future. Assuming this the Archon(s) is creating the universal plan while channeling or psychically reading the future actions of these beings about to be born.
This leads us to two plausible lines of thought concerning this situation. The first is that this idea is utterly wrong and that our cosmic field is built on natural systemology which is derived from processes that do not have a consciously implied direction through desire and engineered reasoning to create desired outcomes within the cosmic field itself. The second is that this idea is right (though currently unprovable) and that the cosmic field is either guided directly or indirectly by some higher and/or prior existing creator deity/deities.
Scientific and Philosophical Note: Whether "natural systemology" exists or not in this directed cosmic formation is not considered necessary to justify the concept of a priori creation through what is essentially cosmic or higher dimensional imagination/conception. Whether this process is synchronistically derived in multiple vehicles of consciousness is also not considered immediately relevant to the metaphysical hypothesis of cosmic field evolution and creation.
Several possible eventual outcomes of this line of thinking are that we exist within a story that was pre-designed by a master storyteller. We live in this master storyteller's story, but exist separate from Her, living life within the story. Anyone who has written a story should be familiar with this sort of sentimental idealism that generates this possibility in our thoughts. Do the stories actually happen in another place and time in the physical cosmos. Are we the Archons writing the stories of future beings living in future realities? In some ways, one must argue for these truths if we argue for eternal life through its various means especially if we talk about future lives or mastering creation through the eternal journey.
The question then must be asked "how do these higher level beings create matter from nothing or from themselves?" This is the question that creates the greatest apparent conundrum to a materialist philosopher or thinker. How can more be created at all? Where would the new thing come from? Where would it go? What would the process be to make this new thing?
We see that the problem that emerges here in the minds of the materialist are very obvious. Materialist thinking only deals with what is known. It deals with what can be measured, what can be sampled. Yet many of the basic processes of our cosmic field is driven by "forces" that cannot be measure or sampled. Time, for instance, cannot be isolated outside of framework of events except within consciousness, where it cannot be isolated internally through any means of conscious effort. Consciousness requires time to manifest the process of examining itself. If you could isolate the process of self observation (or any observation) by "freezing" external time, it still takes time in this "frozen" external time to observe the self. So it seems that time is a basic fact of consciousness that cannot be isolated that deals with fields of change.
In materialist thinking everything must come from something else that is material. Yet matter itself is subject to the laws of immateriality that guides its every motion. These laws either emerged from somewhere else or they have always existed. This creates two parallel mental constructs of cosmic field theory. The first is the unnatural metaphysical order of cosmic fields, the second is the natural order of cosmic fields. The first consciousness must be considered to be psychospiritual metaphysical animation and the second must be considered to be natural physical animation. And yet with every mental construct of natural physical animation we must utilize non-physical mathematical assertion and abstraction to derive the reason for the process of natural physical animation. Every assumption we make here proves to be speculative, as nature is subject to a higher power that drives Her (if at least we come down to mathematics and force itself ignoring any theory of higher beings altogether). And yet, the condition we exist in here in this regard is a state of not knowing because of a lack of evidence. We do not know whether one mechanism or the other prevails, but certain facts can be said about either.
In a system built on natural physical animation we must realize that we are dealing with the inherent limit built into any natural system. A natural system is a system built upon order that cannot be challenged. If the cosmic field you live in contains x amount of this thing or that, that is what you get. There is no way around it except to find a new natural law built into the existing law that allows you to tap a higher nature. Yet all physical nature is limited by the physical cosmic system itself. Variation is assumed to be "random" in any natural system or "not managed by external intelligences". Changes in natural law are based on changes in cosmic conditions based on natural law on a higher scale. If the laws of physics changed because of changes in underlying causal conditions in a natural system this is assumed to be caused by non-intelligent environmental influence. No being tinkered with the cosmic air conditioning unit (expansion pressure variant).
All of the well thought out theories of natural cosmic field evolution takes all this into account. In some of them the laws of the cosmic field can change over time. In others, the law is rigid and unchallenged. But without knowing what the law is based on, then all speculation concerning the condition of natural physical animation cannot be relied upon as being correct. No one has found an answer to this question either in any model of quantum physics or in any new physics such as Mark McCutcheon's Final Theory (though he has offered some very initial speculations). Every element of physicality is assumed to be a bi-product of mathematical emulation in some kind of cosmic mind or computer if we take these ideas down to their core essence (both quantum theory and expansion theory). Again we rise here above simple natural order explanation (that's the way it is 'cause that's the way it is 'cause it's a rock) into a more sophisticated approach that moves out of the realm of the purely physical as a measure of total reality.
Speculative (?) Suggestion: As we address the issues created by the natural physical animation question: how is all of this actually possible and what is making it "real"; we are looking for the answer to really show us what our natural universe is actually made of from a higher dimensional perspective.
Philosophical Argument- (While physical conditions cannot be denied, their existence cannot be explained without a higher level process. Why is such an explanation necessary? Because without a clear explanation we do not demonstrate proof of understanding of the physical condition itself.)
Philosophical Problem - (And yet a mind capable of producing a holographic representation inside itself would be stuck in an infinite declining loop of returns without additional external material (exception would be an infinite mind). Think of a series of computers inside computers inside computers each with a cosmic field inside them. Starting with any limited system we are left with the idea of having to burrow our way out of the problem of external resource depletion by going within. External system existence is implied by the existence of any existing system except dealing with the infinite dark and infinite eternal space problem)
We then enter into a discussion on the conditions of the natural physical animation system vs. the condition of the psychospiritual metaphysical animation idea.
Related Definitions to the Above "Article"
Derived Nature - a theory of nature that states that nature is a derived by-product of a higher mind or a higher natural function that is beyond responsive, reactive nature or nature as a vessel of reception without direction at all.
Expansion on Deep Tree Hypothesis
The basic concept of deep tree hypothesis is to propose a construct through which the cosmic field is expanded through the regeneration of material cosmic fields through the integration of the deep experiential component of spiritual process occurring in higher states of existence on passage out of the physical realm of beings who where living there. The hypothesis synthesizes several existing metaphysical hypothesis to create a initial hypothetical framework to understand the possible results of experiences in the physical for the long term development of the soul or group of souls in question.
According to existing paradigms of metaphysical creation and recreation through reincarnation and various accounts of "the afterlife", we are informed that individuals are able to review their lives in higher dimensional states and that according to certain individuals who have psychically investigated the phenomenon (Note: Not physically proven to this day) there exists a structure in higher dimensional consciousness known as the "Akashic Records" where life experiences are recorded. Assuming that these records are not part of some physical system inside the planet through, perhaps, its magnetic field or such, we have a plausible source for something more beyond physical matter as a source of energy and new matter.
Metaphysical Hypothesis: The idea can be summarized using a set of principles that are very key to understand the nature of these phenomenon which is the non-physical experiential hypothesis. According to this hypothesis experience isn't physical. What we experience in life is phenomenal and phenomenality isn't physicality. Even as we define phenomenon in the physical reality according to physical conditions, these conditions are still structured according to reasoning based on assumptions.
Hypothetical Assertion: For instance, there is no reason to believe that the color blue is physical in any way shape or form. Nor can any other color be said to be physical in and of itself. Color abstracted from physical process suggests a higher function than physics can conceive. Even if we use Mark McCutcheon's ideas on light as being electron clusters, we must come to the conclusion that there isn't anything especially red about a large cluster or especially small about a purple cluster. Red and purple do not equal large or small. They cannot ever do so, in fact because there is no logically derived color spectrum based on any principle except lightness or darkness (see color spectrum note below). Color, thus, defies the logic of material science because the phenomenon of color cannot be isolated in consciousness as being physical. Color, thus, must be a non-physical phenomenon.
Science Note: An entire argument and case to be made exists here because of the color spectrum and Mark's theory in total analysis. There is in fact a clear relationship between Mark's theory and the color spectrum. The yellow color is in the middle of the field and colors become darker the further from yellow they get. This is probably part of some process in the brain (or eye) that is able to derive the energy/mass difference of the yellow rays as opposed to the other rays as suggested by Mark though several modes of how this process actually occurs must be considered besides the one he has given.
Hypothetical Assertion: Sound similarly has no logical reason to exist as a solely physical phenomenon especially when we are considering the quality of sound as opposed to the physical effects of the density or loudness of sound (which is a very physical effect). There is nothing really physical about harmony or disharmony. There is also nothing especially physical about the abstract notion of musical notes or how they sound to us. While the notion that a particular note is exactly twice the frequency of the same note one octave below it is true, there is no physical reason for the sound of the note itself.
We can continue with these hypothetical assertions of the non-physicality of various sensory perceptions and continue right through to our most cherished emotional memories. All of these phenomenon added together to create a complete life experience for the person in question. If the metaphysical theories are true, then in review of these experiences it is entirely possible that some kind of new impression has been made on the higher dimensions of existence (specifically the soul or collective soul). These new experiences are essentially "saved" in cosmic memory, and represent something new that has never existed before outside of what existed when they were first created. It is this new material that might plausibly be the source of creating new matter through some mechanism that is metaphysical but entirely explainable using scientific and rational principles without the concept of "something from nothing" magic. It does require, however, a leap of faith in the belief in a higher dimensional afterlife of some sort if one has no direct experience of this higher dimensional reality in one's normal day-to-day life.
The mechanisms for this said transformation are the extended part of the Deep Tree Hypothesis.
Necessity of the Hypothesis: The necessity comes from the theory of soul growth and the theory that all useable space is occupied and that new space and matter must be manufactured from existing realities. (Alternative hypothesis: (1) New space is not necessary because the soul does not grow or there is no afterlife. (2) Variations on the infinity paradox resolves the need for new space or new matter (The Cosmic Fool God Problem - which roughly states that no solution must be undertaken to solve cosmic paradigm crisis through humor or ridiculous exaggeration alone or the Ridiculousness Test)). While various solutions may be forwarded which take into account various absolute conditions (example the infinite TV set analogy in the original CosmoGenesis Primer) as realistic, we as considerate thinkers must carefully weigh all the questions and answers to the nature of reality before we come to any absolute conclusions. It is only after careful consideration that the idea that souls grow and must have more space to create their own versions of reality became the prime one that made the most sense. As it was necessary to accommodate the highest desires of beings to facilitate the highest possible outcome of cosmic development, no other solution presents itself except the one where souls are allowed to become Gods/Goddesses in their own right fully through eternity (i.e. the soul grows). Physical expression is only one aspect of this full cycle creation concept. The realization of the need for cosmic expansion in the quantity of matter available requires the expansion of existing space between existing matter to make room for this creation process. This requires a mechanism that is logical and yet simultaneously rationally sound to demonstrate how this is done. If we assume that it is done, then we must have a way to do it somehow and that doing it somehow must follow along the laws of the cosmos as implied by conscience and reason.
Principles of "Political" Resistance
Manufacturing Consent (Chompsky) vs. Engineering Conformity - Psychological engineers create false notions of science by telling a billion people a lie a million times they engineer conformity in the pursuit of selling products. In most cases this is about money, but sometimes, just sometimes, it is because of the sick and twisted desires of totalitarian fetishists who simply enjoy fucking with those weaker than them. The great mind fuck thus is enforced by the will of the mindless drones who subsume their minds and wills to the authoritarian leaders of the consensus reality that is forcibly coerced of the majority through the tactics of political and psychological manipulation of the weak minds of those who have no self-esteem because they are unwilling to face the truth about themselves. Despite all that we have seen, the greatest ally of the authoritarian is not fear or indifference or even hate, but it is instead willingness to bend and bow before someone who insists that they are better or more powerful than anyone else. Thus it is cowardice that is the ally of authoritarian systems of coercion and control through implanted notions of superiority and inferiority. Slave vs. master. "Patient" vs. "doctor". Leader vs. follower. Man vs. woman. White vs. black. In-group vs. out-group. Etc.
This pattern represents a root pattern in consciousness which can be properly referred to as an archetypical conflict between two distinct and permanently existing forces of psychology and nature. The first is the need to define one's self as different from others, the second is the need to ensure one's personal survival. These two forces cannot be reconciled collectively without a high degree of social consciousness and an awareness of how these forces operate in individuals and collectives.
Notions of Exploitation
Exploitation is how our economic system operates to transfer wealth from those at the bottom of the power structure to those at the top. The basis of exploitation is the agreement by the exploitee to be exploited.
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