Everything has a beginning. That's what they tell us anyway. As far
as we can tell it's true. Who could argue with such conclusions?
Well, some for sure, but let's not turn out to be those people if you
know what I mean.
And as certain as everything has a
beginning there are those who love to question everything they hear
about these beginnings. Why did they happen? What makes this thing the
way it is and why ever did it show up here? Most people settle on just
assuming that everything more or less means nothing so they agree to
just shut up and do their jobs. Wonderful people those, may their
sacrifices be long remembered.
As we consider the
question of things, I like to point out some very fascinating facts that
may concern those of you who are of a more metaphysical bend towards
the whole notion of things and what they do and where they go when they
aren't around anymore. Just about everyone under the Sun out here
outside of India just assumes they go poof and gone back into the great
nothing or perhaps the void from which they came, though few talk about
the void as it makes most feel uncomfortable with the fact most people
call it "space" or some other such physically pleasing word. Nothing
wrong with voids mind you unless you get stuck there for too long and
they suck your soul out of your corpse.
Now that I have
tormented away the weak amongst you using my tormented filtering
mechanism, we can properly proceed with the meat of the discussion: the
matter of the nature of things. Things exist because the universe
apparently creates them which is an odd sort of thing for a universe to
do on first realizing that, in fact, things seem to be generated from
the universe, which at first glance, also appears to be a thing made of
things. Good God, things making things? What sort of a whacked out
jive is this place we popped into? Are we just another of those damn
things too? Well, that shit doesn't sound right.
upon a time in Greece some really square philosophers who were short on
hot dates sat around and decided that things had to be more than just
things. In fact one of the biggest ones, Plato, talked about things
being a subset of thoughts he called forms. Interesting little tidbit
(sentence fragmented noted you overly obsessed grammar nazis). Much,
much later another big headed philosopher in Germany, one of my favs to
pick on in fact, Immanuel Kant, said that there was something called the
thing onto itself whereby, radically, the objects in question actually
existed! This was a big step for philosophy and highly controversial as
suggesting that reality was real was something of a major advance in
radical notions about the universe. Kant mostly ignored the depth of
what he was saying apparently and focused on the less important idea
that we couldn't really know what the damn thing was that we were
looking at! Seem crazy yet? Well it's about to get positively insane
Technically, according to certain mystics, who
shall remain nameless to protect the innocent and possibly the guilty as
well, had the nerve to suggest that one could actually feel the
existence of the object! These loons were positively committed to the
idea that things might actually be real and you could prove it by
"extending your etheric out" to feel the object, which roughly
translated means feel the object with your extended perception in a way
like touching it with your thought or with your aura presumably.
Physically this could be like extending the magnetic field around your
body to touch the object in question. Funny thing those mystics could
just have touched the object with their hands and saved themselves alot
of trouble. None the less, the philosophers never got the memo, and the
scientists by this time had decided that none of it was real in a real
sort of way anyway since quantum physics proves that it's all just a
stupid probability cloud. (Though obviously McCutcheon destroyed that
idea with his theory as described on his website and on this website here.)
any case, the things are still here and so are we, so obviously
someone's thought experiment in transpersonal existentialist nihilism
has gone terribly awry. Not to mention those damn bills, they haven't
dematerialized either. Clearly someone hasn't gotten the memo. Perhaps
we should complain louder.
So, if things are still
here why do I care? What am I gaming at here? Well according to the
idea that love creates everything in existence through magic, you're
going to have a hard time proving that destruction is in any way real to
life outside the physical appearance of life we have here in the
physical universe. This radical notion suggests that not only are all
objects down to electrons real, but they all have spirit and eternal
life simultaneously automatically granted to them as their spiritual
heritage for existing in the first place as clearly they must have been
summoned into existence for a purpose by a being that already had
existed before them. Yes you read that right. That idea is called the
Natural Theory of Love and Magic. You'll not find a better one no
matter how hard you squeeze your brain I can promise you that. It's
because it's the only theory that satisfies the requirement that the
universe is good and serves a higher purpose.
But our
universe doesn't appear to be magical right? Well if it's governed by a
law and everything seems to be following a law, what the hell do you
think the law is? If you said things, then obviously you didn't get
it. The law is not a thing but seems to govern them rather thoroughly
wouldn't you say? Try defying gravity next time if you have any doubt
about the question. It doesn't work! Gravity is magic and gravity is
law. Sure it's governed by the expansion equation that Mark McCutcheon
discovered in our new physics paradigm, but why? Who the heck needs
gravity? Well the answer should be obvious if you think about it since
it's here. Everyone is the answer, Einstein!
alot of details have been left out here, but I'm being dramatic to prove
a point. That point is it is impossible to create a version of the
universe that fits all the criteria for a just and true perspective
unless it includes the idea that all things are real and that they exist
as aspects of themselves to evolve forward in time to birth new
realities from their evolution. And the reason for this is the one
stickler of all metaphysical analysis I have seen so far, it is the
emergence of desire in consciousness. Once desire emerges in
consciousness then desire must be fulfilled. It's a divine sort of
thing to realize that desire exists to be fulfilled.
problem is what creates the paradox in reincarnation theory which
states that in order for things to evolve, they must grow, but in order
for them to grow there has to be new stuff constantly. Desire is not
the source of the stuff, but rather it is the reason that the stuff is
summoned into being from the transdimensional into the physical universe
(don't try this at home). And the greatest divine trick of all in this
new metaphysical concept is the idea that it is the memory of the past
that creates the basis, in some way we don't understand yet, for new
matter. The memory of the past stored in what is called the
unconscious, in the higher dimensional record system of the universe is a
field in motion through other fields. Every time fields interact they
create new memories and these memories are stored in the
transdimensional fields surrounding the lower dimensions and
specifically here, the physical.
Alot goes into this
idea, but the basic process results in the outcome that no experience is
lost because it is stored in the cosmic transdimensional memory
system. If we believe in the basic afterlife narrative of most cultures
on the planet, the review process of a person's life goes through this
memory system. Where does all the light go at the end of that
experience? Interesting set of thoughts, no? With transdimensional
experience comes the possibility of mechanisms of creation that are
spiritual and, in fact, explainable to some degree with science and
normal logic and reason once we understand what matter and experience do
and in what proportion these changes occur at in different levels of
consciousness field theory. This requires alot of thought to work
through, which I have to a great degree. I believe this is what
Kabbalah ultimately refers to especially the Tree of Life the more we
understand it.
Reincarnation, in this idea, does not
have an end goal. It is a continual expansion of the soul until all its
desires are fulfilled. If you realize what this idea means you will be
quite astonished at its vast complexity. It is also a given fact that
the desires can only grow over time after periods of rest between
fulfillment or unfulfillment as the case may be. Also this creates the
basis for the karmic system as all desire must be honored. This also
means that because desire is endless, eternal life is automatic.
are things? They are fields that are born to serve those that have
come before. This is the infinite procession of life in the
metaphysical understanding of it. Beginning in summation a being is
born as an object (most probably an electron which is the smallest
object in the new physics paradigm of which everything is made) and
evolves through a massive series of stages until it becomes a fully
sentient soul at which point it has a self reflecting conscience capable
of loving unconditionally and making spiritual sacrifices in full
consciousness a priorii to a decision tree that is has become aware of.
this mean you were a teapot in some prior lifetime? Perhaps. What
matters now is that the universe you live in needs you to continue to
function as a cog within it. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. This
mental trip into spirit has been provided to you at great personal
expense to myself. I spent a good part of my life looking deeply into
the nature of it instead of pursuing normal human interests. Keep that
in mind if you wish to judge me too harshly as a few of you are apt.
It's not easy going into the deep. It leaves you somewhat scared. But
it's worth telling a worthy soul that things will ultimately be ok in my
own way. Now get back to work fools.
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