Those of you who read this site will note that I tend to vary my
themes quite a bit. It's not easy being a philosopher, scientist,
metaphysician, mystic, writer, idealist, warrior, and prophet. Try it
some time and you'll appreciate the dilemma I can assure you. It can
get a little rough on the mind. This little essay is on astrology. La
de da. Since everything competent tends to fall into my lap, having had
a rather delicious view of the whole sha-bang as they say, here's
another demonstration of being right.
Astrology on the
whole is a great subject. Probably the most complicated of all subjects
and mostly needlessly so by the very astrologers whose job it is to
simplify the themes to easily understandable ideas for people that
actually assist them. Sadly the profession is filled with too many
lazy, indifferent, or incompetent people as is the case with many
professions nowadays.
Currently Saturn and Pluto, two
very important "heavy" planets are transiting through Capricorn. This
is a time that conventional institutions receive a boost of power.
Saturn and Pluto support conventional institutions in this placement.
Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot and a liar.
good but hard times to be a Capricorn. It is a shitty time to be a
Aries, Cancer, or Libra or if you have any major personal planets (Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in those signs if they are in the aspect
orb for Saturn and Pluto. Since the aspect orb is very large for the
squares (8 degrees) and the conjunctions/oppositions (10 degrees) most of you Aries,
Cancers, and Libras are really looking forward to when these two heavy
planets go and harass someone else.
Collectively Cancer
is the sign of the past and looking back. I've got a moon there so
I've been feeling the horrible effects of Pluto for years though it is
almost out of the orb for myself. Saturn is currently harrassing my
moon and I've got an inclination to dump the past and the whole let's
remember everything forever inclination that a moon in Cancer gives
one. It ain't easy, let me tell ya!
As Cancer is the
sign opposing Pluto and Saturn right now, collectively this is a time
when our attachment to the past, the mother, and conservative ways is
broken. These are among the many things associated with the sign of
Cancer which is getting hammered by the unpleasant duo of Saturn and
Pluto. Once sundered there is no going back. Thank Goddess for that!
We were really sick of having to watch the goddamn reruns in our
emotional bodies anyway. So long to useless trash I say! I'd say burn
it down too but you have to wait for a good Mars transit for that.
any case, till Mars joins the ritual of annihilation we'll just have to
go along with the existing show. Believe me the collective doesn't
want to have this experience. It's fighting tooth and nail for every
ounce of the way things used to be. But dudes and dudettes, it's an
over and done with deal. Get over it. This is a very important lesson
for those with major influences in Cancer. I can relate not just
because my Moon is there but because the Moon is my most powerful
Collectively the end of all nostalgia for what
was is happening. It is the end as the forces of destruction and
structure oppose everything that was. The past is being crushed and
broken by the power of existing institutions of order and power. This
is also a very bad time to be a conservative because Cancer is the sign
of the conservative way. So all's not good news for the right, in case
you were taking this as an essay on the political system as it exists
through what is loosely called "ideology" but is in fact more akin to
the people who want change versus the people who don't.
many years I read how Pluto was going to destroy the establishment.
While it's in the sign of the establishment? Hardly. Pluto lends power
to the sign it passes through so they get an extra wallop of power and
will. Notice the increasing power of the central order? Notice how
everyone wants to be in power now so they can wield that enormous
"advantage"? Yeah, the astrologers that said otherwise were fools. I
believed them till I did my own analysis and realized, nope, only an
incompetent moron could fail with Pluto conjugating their planetary
positions. Oh, how I wish it were true, but it's not. That's the way
it is.
Luckily for all of us this transit of Saturn
will end in 2020 when the increase of order of power of the existing
order will no longer be supported by the planetary lords of that
process. Looking for the decline of the establishment? Look to the
transit of Neptune in Aries beginning in 2025. That's when you'll see a
new dawn starting in spiritual force. It's a long way off for those of
you wishing for something better. But it's better to be sober looking
at the truth than lying to one's self with bad half baked astrology
predictions based upon a lack of logic. Just look at what conjunctions
are and you'll see that I'm right (as usual).
What this
means is that power belongs to those that support the structure of
order and opposes those who argue for a return to the past. A return to
the past is not possible with this transit! There is no going back.
Pluto and Saturn are opposing it! What they want is order at any cost.
That order means more rules, more control, and more domination. If you
can't get with the program, that process will steamroll you into the
gutter. Don't mess with Pluto or Saturn. This is especially true when
they will conjunct in the sky in January 2020. The establishment will
be at the height of its power. Not a good time to be a ordinary human
being on Earth. Sorry, the news is the news. Don't blame me, blame
Consciousness is a necessary component of
being alive on Earth. Reading the signs correctly is another. If you
can't read the signs correctly, then you need to get out of the business
of prediction. Those who have been predicting falsely will also have
their day. They will be laughed out of the public square. I'm not
afraid of that because if I'm wrong then everything will turn out fine
and everyone will forget about it. But if I'm right, which I am, then
you'll all see it happen. The establishment will reach the zenith of
it's power in 2020. It's won't start a precipitous decline until
Neptune reaches Aries when warriors of spirit will rise up to attack
it. That's 2025. The future isn't written in stone, as I've stated
before, but everything happens in cycles so what's happening on the
ground will make this true.
You have been informed
about the matter I trust now. The story of the unconscious is one of
patterns that repeat until one becomes conscious of them. If you are
conscious you can make a difference. If you aren't, then you can't.
You're just another number then as far as the universe is concerned.
Get with it and learn or just be another loser. That's life on Earth.
Wake up people!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
The Fall of the Establishment Through Astrology
For those who oppose the establishment, the question astrologically
is not only when are the bad times for the establishment sign Saturn,
but also when is the organized resistance represented by Aquarius well
aspected? Conveniently everything is described by several major
planetary patterns arriving soon. The rise of the organized resistance
and revolutionary action is inevitable with these planetary patterns.
The fall of the establishment is guaranteed although it will be a bloody
mess before all the destruction stops. For my version of what that
establishment is I believe it will take 200 years to clean out the
majority of everything that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.
The core pattern supporting the establishment is Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn temporarily supported from a trine from Uranus in Taurus to Saturn only. The forces of revolution represented by Uranus are choosing to stay comfortable at this time in their walled fortresses and play the establishment's chess game by playing to the system at the times when Uranus trines Saturn. The last trine was just last month from Uranus to Saturn. This indicates that this election season is likely to be a lackluster one for the hopes of those wanting change from the existing order. The resistance has chosen to say "I didn't sell out, I bought in." Well with that kind of attitude you can see why we get nowhere with these sorts of things. But hope isn't lost yet, it's still to come.
Yet Uranus never reaches the trine with Pluto in Capricorn because Pluto leaves Capricorn before Uranus trines it. And that's a disaster astrologically speaking for the establishment because when Uranus does make that trine it's going to make the trine to a Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of the resistance and revolution. At that point the balance of power will shift away from the establishment and it will begin to lose gradually and periodically suddenly in shifts of power.
This brings us to the other good signs in the charts. Saturn enters the sign of the resistance and revolution in March of 2020 for a short spell and again in December of 2020 for two years. The real revolutionary forces will rise and impose order at this point, whatever order they choose presumably. A massive shift in the world's establishment order occurs here in December of 2020 when Jupiter begins a two hundred year transformation with Saturn as they both conjunct for the first time since the 1400's in the sign of Aquarius. This marks a complete shift from the Earth signs to the Air signs when the important Jupiter Saturn conjunctions will occur from now for 200 years with one exception in Scorpio.
In addition several other remarkable astrological conjunction functions happen that deprive the establishment of potential victory. Mars never joins the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Instead it misses that point when it conjuncts Saturn at an astounding 0 and a half degrees degrees of Aquarius in April of 2020. The establishment's power will attack first though as Mars conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn first. This occurs around the end of March of 2020 about the 23rd or so. The establishment will attack here, and the resultant counter reformation of structure will occur quickly with the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Aquarius. From that point forward the resistance and revolution will have the advantage.
However it will be very tough going as the forces of revolution will be opposing the new revolutionary order represented by Saturn during this first entrance into Aquarius. This means that the revolution will be divided against itself for the first years with lots of infighting and chaos. This will be evident as Uranus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. The revolution in money which began with the entrance of Uranus into the sign of money, comfort, and women (Taurus) will be negatively impacting any established revolutionary organizations represented by Saturn in Aquarius. The birth of the revolution is difficult and largely still-born. Chaos hampers its consolidation. However it has luck and law on its side with the Jupiter conjunction with Saturn.
The establishment is also hampered by a lack of astrological lucky breaks. They would need Uranus to trine Pluto before it leaves Capricorn. and give them the advantage of having technology and/or revolutionary appeal with the people. This they lack. Instead Uranus in Gemini eventually makes the trine to Pluto when it is in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. Woops. Game over, man. G.g., as they say.
When Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023-2024 and stays there for almost 20 years afterwards the power shifts to the revolution and resistance. As the revolution turns to the use of the powers of destruction and transformation, the establishment will be pushed back for 20 years. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius it was the time of the French Revolution and off with their heads. All throughout 2027 and 2028 Uranus in Gemini boosts the forces of the media to assist in the revolutionary destructive impulse of Pluto in Aquarius. The establishment is going to be replaced by the new power rising through the forces of change. The media will be on the side of that revolution probably after some media realignment.
It will be a great time but difficult time for those in the resistance. And it will be a lousy time to be a drama queen represented by Leo. The global ego is going to smashed down to bits with Pluto opposing Leo. Uranus will boost the ego a bit here so there will be a balance. This means the transformation will be gradual in this regard. The establishment will be hit by a spiritual onslaught from Neptune in Aries at this time as well for 14 years starting in 2025. This process will be an aggressive push by spiritual forces to bring down the establishment represented by Saturn. That process while somewhat slow will decay and rot away the established order especially the idea that a balance represented by Libra, which Neptune will oppose, is possible.
This process will be greatly assisted by a Saturn conjunction with Neptune in Aries which will result in an increase in the spiritual order of the military occurring in 2026. These forces will be destroying both the balance represented by Libra and the establishment represented by Capricorn. The military will provide a key spiritual support structure against the establishment worldwide at this time. However it will also beat down on society, also represented by Libra, ruthlessly at this time and again periodically for the entire Neptune transit through Aries.
Balance will not be possible while Neptune is opposing Libra except by the chance realignments that occur while Uranus is in the Gemini supporting Libra. Once Uranus leave Gemini and goes into Cancer, however, starting in 2033, the establishment is screwed as Neptune will still be in Aries. Here the forces of technology, revolution, and democracy directly oppose the establishment for the protection of the home, homeland, mother, and simple people represented by Cancer, which is incidentally the planet of the Kraken or Godzilla. Now when Pluto gets to Cancer, you might very well see the simple people of the world go smashing the old order piece by piece for a prolonged period of time like a Kraken or Godzilla. That's a long way off but for now with Uranus in Cancer and Neptune in Aries, it will be enough to see the establishment's force diminish significantly and it's position become untenable.
They only catch a lucky break that Uranus doesn't make the exact square to Neptune in the cardinal signs against Capricorn instead making the exact square in Leo (Uranus) and Taurus (Neptune). It will be close because the conjunctions occur in the first one and two degrees of Taurus so the establishment will be under massive total pressure that nearly destroys it. It only manages to dodge the proverbial bullet by inches.
And when it emerges on the other side of this time period it will be greatly weakened. Only some spiritual forces represented by Neptune in Taurus will be supporting the Capricorn position which will allow it to make a degree of recovery. But by this time the power of the revolutionary forces will continue to grow as Pluto continues its long journey through Aquarius not fully ending until 2044.
During this entire process other shifts will happen as Jupiter and Saturn make patterns to the main patterns represented by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the biggest forces. The one I have examined is Saturn in Aries conjunct Neptune in Aries. But Saturn also enters Cancer in 2033 giving the common simple people an established voice in the process. Here it squares back to the very same Neptune in Aries that it made the conjunction with in 2026 so this is a process that starts in 2026 and comes to critical stressful turning point in 2026 again beating on the establishment from two directions.
The years after 2045 are better for the establishment for some time as the three heavy planets will be in supporting positions, but by then it will very much be a new establishment with new players and a new position. Much of the old establishment will have been swept away by the changes and the erosion of what is weak and untenable. And a new spiritual power will emerge with Pluto in Pisces. It will certainly be a exciting time to see what is coming down the pike towards us as a human species.
The core pattern supporting the establishment is Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn temporarily supported from a trine from Uranus in Taurus to Saturn only. The forces of revolution represented by Uranus are choosing to stay comfortable at this time in their walled fortresses and play the establishment's chess game by playing to the system at the times when Uranus trines Saturn. The last trine was just last month from Uranus to Saturn. This indicates that this election season is likely to be a lackluster one for the hopes of those wanting change from the existing order. The resistance has chosen to say "I didn't sell out, I bought in." Well with that kind of attitude you can see why we get nowhere with these sorts of things. But hope isn't lost yet, it's still to come.
Yet Uranus never reaches the trine with Pluto in Capricorn because Pluto leaves Capricorn before Uranus trines it. And that's a disaster astrologically speaking for the establishment because when Uranus does make that trine it's going to make the trine to a Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of the resistance and revolution. At that point the balance of power will shift away from the establishment and it will begin to lose gradually and periodically suddenly in shifts of power.
This brings us to the other good signs in the charts. Saturn enters the sign of the resistance and revolution in March of 2020 for a short spell and again in December of 2020 for two years. The real revolutionary forces will rise and impose order at this point, whatever order they choose presumably. A massive shift in the world's establishment order occurs here in December of 2020 when Jupiter begins a two hundred year transformation with Saturn as they both conjunct for the first time since the 1400's in the sign of Aquarius. This marks a complete shift from the Earth signs to the Air signs when the important Jupiter Saturn conjunctions will occur from now for 200 years with one exception in Scorpio.
In addition several other remarkable astrological conjunction functions happen that deprive the establishment of potential victory. Mars never joins the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Instead it misses that point when it conjuncts Saturn at an astounding 0 and a half degrees degrees of Aquarius in April of 2020. The establishment's power will attack first though as Mars conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn first. This occurs around the end of March of 2020 about the 23rd or so. The establishment will attack here, and the resultant counter reformation of structure will occur quickly with the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Aquarius. From that point forward the resistance and revolution will have the advantage.
However it will be very tough going as the forces of revolution will be opposing the new revolutionary order represented by Saturn during this first entrance into Aquarius. This means that the revolution will be divided against itself for the first years with lots of infighting and chaos. This will be evident as Uranus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. The revolution in money which began with the entrance of Uranus into the sign of money, comfort, and women (Taurus) will be negatively impacting any established revolutionary organizations represented by Saturn in Aquarius. The birth of the revolution is difficult and largely still-born. Chaos hampers its consolidation. However it has luck and law on its side with the Jupiter conjunction with Saturn.
The establishment is also hampered by a lack of astrological lucky breaks. They would need Uranus to trine Pluto before it leaves Capricorn. and give them the advantage of having technology and/or revolutionary appeal with the people. This they lack. Instead Uranus in Gemini eventually makes the trine to Pluto when it is in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. Woops. Game over, man. G.g., as they say.
When Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023-2024 and stays there for almost 20 years afterwards the power shifts to the revolution and resistance. As the revolution turns to the use of the powers of destruction and transformation, the establishment will be pushed back for 20 years. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius it was the time of the French Revolution and off with their heads. All throughout 2027 and 2028 Uranus in Gemini boosts the forces of the media to assist in the revolutionary destructive impulse of Pluto in Aquarius. The establishment is going to be replaced by the new power rising through the forces of change. The media will be on the side of that revolution probably after some media realignment.
It will be a great time but difficult time for those in the resistance. And it will be a lousy time to be a drama queen represented by Leo. The global ego is going to smashed down to bits with Pluto opposing Leo. Uranus will boost the ego a bit here so there will be a balance. This means the transformation will be gradual in this regard. The establishment will be hit by a spiritual onslaught from Neptune in Aries at this time as well for 14 years starting in 2025. This process will be an aggressive push by spiritual forces to bring down the establishment represented by Saturn. That process while somewhat slow will decay and rot away the established order especially the idea that a balance represented by Libra, which Neptune will oppose, is possible.
This process will be greatly assisted by a Saturn conjunction with Neptune in Aries which will result in an increase in the spiritual order of the military occurring in 2026. These forces will be destroying both the balance represented by Libra and the establishment represented by Capricorn. The military will provide a key spiritual support structure against the establishment worldwide at this time. However it will also beat down on society, also represented by Libra, ruthlessly at this time and again periodically for the entire Neptune transit through Aries.
Balance will not be possible while Neptune is opposing Libra except by the chance realignments that occur while Uranus is in the Gemini supporting Libra. Once Uranus leave Gemini and goes into Cancer, however, starting in 2033, the establishment is screwed as Neptune will still be in Aries. Here the forces of technology, revolution, and democracy directly oppose the establishment for the protection of the home, homeland, mother, and simple people represented by Cancer, which is incidentally the planet of the Kraken or Godzilla. Now when Pluto gets to Cancer, you might very well see the simple people of the world go smashing the old order piece by piece for a prolonged period of time like a Kraken or Godzilla. That's a long way off but for now with Uranus in Cancer and Neptune in Aries, it will be enough to see the establishment's force diminish significantly and it's position become untenable.
They only catch a lucky break that Uranus doesn't make the exact square to Neptune in the cardinal signs against Capricorn instead making the exact square in Leo (Uranus) and Taurus (Neptune). It will be close because the conjunctions occur in the first one and two degrees of Taurus so the establishment will be under massive total pressure that nearly destroys it. It only manages to dodge the proverbial bullet by inches.
And when it emerges on the other side of this time period it will be greatly weakened. Only some spiritual forces represented by Neptune in Taurus will be supporting the Capricorn position which will allow it to make a degree of recovery. But by this time the power of the revolutionary forces will continue to grow as Pluto continues its long journey through Aquarius not fully ending until 2044.
During this entire process other shifts will happen as Jupiter and Saturn make patterns to the main patterns represented by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the biggest forces. The one I have examined is Saturn in Aries conjunct Neptune in Aries. But Saturn also enters Cancer in 2033 giving the common simple people an established voice in the process. Here it squares back to the very same Neptune in Aries that it made the conjunction with in 2026 so this is a process that starts in 2026 and comes to critical stressful turning point in 2026 again beating on the establishment from two directions.
The years after 2045 are better for the establishment for some time as the three heavy planets will be in supporting positions, but by then it will very much be a new establishment with new players and a new position. Much of the old establishment will have been swept away by the changes and the erosion of what is weak and untenable. And a new spiritual power will emerge with Pluto in Pisces. It will certainly be a exciting time to see what is coming down the pike towards us as a human species.
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